10:00 am, February 11, 2025
Call In Phone Number: 1-346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 851 2809 0090 Passcode: 93163735
1. Call to Order – Chair’s Comments
2. DVRPC Director’s Report
3. Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items
4. Highlights of the RTC Meeting on January 7, 2025
5. TIP Actions
The following projects require formal TIP modifications or amendments this month for the FY2024 TIP for New Jersey and/or FY2025 TIP for Pennsylvania. Attached is the Action statement (“Pink Sheet”) for the project followed by the TIP “Before/After” description page and supporting documentation, such as request letters, and maps, as needed. Towards the end of the package in a separate section are financial constraint charts and any other information that may be helpful to you as you review this package.
- PA25-036: US 30 Sinkhole Remediation 2024 (MPMS #104807), Chester County – Add New Project to the TIP
- PA25-037: Bondsville Road Retaining Wall (MPMS #120062), Chester County – Add New Project to the TIP
- PA25-038: Transit and Regional Station Program (MPMS #77183), SEPTA – Add New Project to the Program
- NJ24-086: PATCO Rail Replacement - Ferry Avenue to Broadway (DB #DR2008), DRPA/PATCO – Add Project Back into the TIP
6. Federal Functional Classification Update
Brad Lane, Principal Transportation Engineer, will present. Following each decennial Census, DVRPC partners with the state DOTs to revise the Urbanized Area Boundaries and review and update the Federal Functional Classification of the region's roadways, following FHWA guidance. The presentation will cover the schedule, status, and next steps for the Federal Functional Class updates in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
7. Public Participation Task Force (PPTF) Update
Shoshana Akins, Manager of Public Participation Planning, will present. DVRPC’s Public Participation Task Force (PPTF) recently brought on new members for the 2025 cohort. The mission of the Task Force is to provide ongoing access to the Greater Philadelphia region’s planning process and empower resident involvement. Members are given a platform to learn more about upcoming projects, provide feedback on planning practices, and test out public outreach strategies. For more details about the PPTF, visit http://www.dvrpc.org/Committees/PPTF/.
8. DVRPC LINK Web Tool
Sarah Moran, Manager of the Office of Mobility Analysis and Design, will present DVRPC LINK, a new web tool designed to assist planners and stakeholders in evaluating and prioritizing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects. Building on the Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) analysis, this tool assesses proposed projects by estimating the number of people, jobs, and essential services each study would connect. By providing insights into the potential impacts of new trails, bike lanes, and sidewalks, DVRPC LINK allows users to make informed decisions and support funding applications.
9. DVRPC Digital Alerting Program
Chris King, Manager of the Office of Transportation Operations Management, will present. A new program has been launched to equip first responder vehicles with digital alerting technology. This system uses real-time data to send alerts via navigation and vehicle information systems, giving drivers advance warnings to slow down or move over for emergency vehicles. In Phase 1, the program will connect over 100 agencies and install more than 500 devices in response vehicles across the Greater Philadelphia region.
10. IIJA Update
An update on IIJA activities will be provided.
11. One Minute Reports
RTC members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.
12. Old Business
13. New Business
14. Meeting Adjournment
The next scheduled meeting of the RTC is Tuesday, March 11, 2025, planned as an in-person hybrid meeting.