Regional Technical Committee

10:00 am, October 8, 2024

DVRPC Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions call (215) 592-1800

Call to Order – Chair’s Comments 

DVRPC Director’s Report 

Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items 


1. Highlights of the September 10, 2024 RTC Meeting 

2. TIP Actions

Alyson Dressman, Capital Program Planner, will present. The following projects require formal TIP modifications or amendments this month for the FY2024 TIP for New Jersey and/or FY2025 TIP for Pennsylvania. Attached is the Action statement (“Pink Sheet”) for the project followed by the TIP “Before/After” description page and supporting documentation, such as request letters, and maps, as needed. Towards the end of the package in a separate section are financial constraint charts and any other information that may be helpful to you as you review this package.

  1. PA25-001: Bells Mill and Valley Green Road over Wissahickon Creek (MPMS #70230), City of Philadelphia – Add New Project to the TIP
  2. PA25-002: Safe, Clean, and Secure Program (MPMS #121367), SEPTA – Add New Projects to the Program
  3. NJ24-065: Porchtown Road (CR 613) Bridge over Still Run at Iona Lake (DB #D2216), Gloucester County – Add Project Back into the TIP
  4. NJ24-066: Mobility and Systems Engineering Program (DB #13306), Statewide – Increase EC Phase

3. Project Selections for DVRPC’s PA Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program

Travis Spotts, Capital Program Coordinator, will present. DVRPC solicited applications for Round 3 of the PA Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program. Applications have been reviewed by the PA TIP Subcommittee and staff is seeking approval of the list of selected projects and to amend them into the FY2025 TIP for PA.

4. Version 2.0 2050 Population and Employment Forecasts 

Greg Diebold, Planning Analyst, will present. Based on feedback at the September RTC meeting, DVRPC reconvened the Socioeconomic and Land Use Analytics Committee (SLUAC) to revisit and confirm consensus on 2050 Population and Employment Forecasts for RTC consideration. The Proposed forecasts (i.e., 2050 Version 2.0) updates the Adopted ones (i.e., 2050 Version 1.0) with more recent data, and now also includes adjustments to growth factors using a weighted average. This forecast will inform the Update: Connections 2050 Plan development, and is necessary ahead of air quality conformity analysis and adoption of  the next Long-Range Plan (anticipated in September 2025).

5. DVRPC FY 2025 Work Program Amendments - NJ CRRSAA Funds - Six New Projects

Greg Krykewycz, Director of Transportation Planning, will present. Staff continue to collaborate with our NJ member governments on work requests to make use of remaining Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) funds. Six (6) new project requests for a range of tasks and services were recently developed, refined, and an administrative approach for delivery has been approved by NJDOT, with at least one new project in each of our four NJ counties. The RTC will be asked to consider FY2025 UPWP amendments to advance these projects.


6. Finalized Calendar Year 2025 RTC Meeting Dates 

7. Regional Vision Zero Program Update

Rebecca Wetzler, Senior Transportation Planner, will present a process update on the Regional Vision Zero program, highlighting the Regional High Injury Network and the safety study intake process, as well as preview the RVZ Partner Summit being held November 7th in-person at DVRPC. Staff will also highlight 2024 SS4A awards among regional partners. 


8. Freight Futures Study 

Dan Farina, Jr. AICP, Senior Freight Transportation Planner, will present. The Freight Futures study was undertaken to anticipate and adapt to changes in the supply chain and freight activities in the Greater Philadelphia area through 2040. In alignment with the principles of the Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan, Freight Futures assesses the impact of freight infrastructure and activities on sustainability, resilience, and equity across the region. The study evaluated current trends and conditions affecting goods movement that are out of the control of stakeholders, developed four potential future scenarios, and made recommendations to address policy and infrastructural blind-spots.


9. IIJA Update 

10. One Minute Reports 

RTC members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.

11. Old Business and New Business

12. Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the RTC is Tuesday, November 12,  2024, planned as an in-person hybrid meeting.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District