Regional Technical Committee

10:00 am, September 10, 2024


Call In Phone Number: 1-346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 892 4457 7384 Passcode: 73449875

Call to Order – Chair’s Comments 

DVRPC Director’s Report 

Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items 


1. Highlights of the July 9, 2024 RTC Meeting 

2. Version 2.0 2050 Population and Employment Forecasts

Greg Diebold, Planning Analyst, will present. DVRPC is required to maintain population and employment forecasts with at least a 20-year horizon, or to the horizon year of the long-range plan. The 2050 Version 2.0 Population and Employment Forecasts updates the 2050 v1.0 forecasts adopted in 2021 with more recent data from the 2020 Decennial Census, US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), and National Establishment Time Series (NETS). These forecasts will inform the Update: Connections 2050 Plan development, and are also necessary for the annual air quality conformity analysis.

3. CMAQ Performance Measures – Mid-Term Performance Plan

Sean Greene, Manager of the Office of Freight and Clean Transportation, will present. Under the federal Transportation Performance Management program, state DOTs are required to develop congestion and emissions reduction performance targets for the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program. The measures include Peak Hour Excessive Delay per Capita, Percent Non-SOV Travel, and emissions reductions from CMAQ funded projects. DVRPC is required to submit a performance plan that demonstrates the progress towards meeting the PM3 targets for the first two years of the reporting period (2022-2025). This performance plan identifies baseline conditions and progress towards meeting the targets. Staff will present the findings of the performance plan and seek a recommendation to adopt the plan’s findings.

4. FY 2024 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

Karen Cilurso, Associate Director, Livable Communities, will present. As the designated U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Economic Development District for the nine-county region, DVRPC facilitates the development of the CEDS. Per U.S. EDA guidance, the CEDS must be adopted every five years.  The updated CEDS will serve as the framework to guide the U.S. EDA economic development investments through FY 2028. 


5. Proposed Calendar Year 2025 RTC Meeting Dates

Michael Boyer, Director of Regional Planning, will review the proposed calendar year 2025 meeting dates for the RTC.

6. September 2024 TIP Administrative Actions


7. Rail Park Expansion

Rebecca Cordes Chan, Executive Director of Friends of the Rail Park, will present an update on the Rail Park's Three Mile Vision, equitable development planning process, and expansion.

8. Future Freight Scenarios

Dan Farina, Jr. AICP, Senior Freight Transportation Planner, will present. The Freight Futures study was undertaken to anticipate and adapt to changes in the supply chain and freight activities in the Greater Philadelphia area through 2040. In alignment with the principles of the Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan, Freight Futures assesses the impact of freight infrastructure and activities on sustainability, resilience, and equity across the region. The study evaluated current trends and conditions affecting goods movement that are out of the control of stakeholders, developed four potential future scenarios, and made recommendations to address policy and infrastructural blind-spots.


9. IIJA Update

10. One Minute Reports

RTC members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.

Old Business and New Business

11. Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the RTC is Tuesday, October 8,  2024, planned as a hybrid meeting.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District