Regional Technical Committee

10:00 am, June 11, 2024

Call In Phone Number: 1-346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 874 8673 3838 Passcode: 03896582

DVRPC Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions call (215) 592-1800

Call to Order – Chair’s Comments 

Deputy Executive Director’s Report 

Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items 


1. Highlights of the May 7, 2024 RTC Meeting 

2. DVRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions 

Travis Spotts, DVRPC Capital Program Coordinator, will present. The following projects require formal TIP modifications or amendments this month for the FY2023 TIP for Pennsylvania and/or FY2024 TIP for New Jersey. Attached is the Action statement (“Pink Sheet”) for the project followed by the TIP “Before/After” description page and supporting documentation, such as request letters, and maps, as needed. Towards the end of the package in a separate section are financial constraint charts and any other information that may be helpful to you as you review this package. Please note that there are also PennDOT, NJDOT, SEPTA, and NJ Transit administrative and/or informational actions included for your information at the end of the packet in the “fiscal constraint charts” section.

  1. NJ24-033: Route 42 SB, Leaf Avenue Extension to Creek Road (CR 753) (DB#18313), Camden County – Increase PE Phase
  2. NJ24-034: Planning and Research, Federal-Aid (DB #X30), Statewide– Increase PLS Phase
  3. NJ24-035: Pavement Preservation (DB #X51), Statewide – Increase ERC Phase
  4. NJ24-036: Safety Programs (DB #19370), Statewide – Increase ERC Phase
  5. NJ24-037: Bridge Deck/Superstructure Replacement Program (DB #03304), Statewide – Increase ERC Phase
  6. NJ24-038: Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems (DB #15343), Statewide – Increase EC Phase
  7. NJ24-039: Bridge Preventive Maintenance (DB #13323), Statewide – Increase EC Phase
  8. NJ24-040: Mobility and Systems Engineering Program (DB #13306), Statewide – Increase EC Phase
  9. PA23-118: US Route 322: Chelsea Parkway – Market Street Interchange (Section 103) (MPMS #114034), Delaware County – Increase CON Phase
  10.  PA23-119: Downingtown Train Station Rehabilitation (MPMS #93586), PennDOT – Reduce Funding in the TIP
  11.  PA23-120: Communication, Signals, & Technology Program (MPMS #102571), SEPTA – Add New Projects to Program
  12.  PA23-121: Safety & Security Improvements Program (MPMS #107011), SEPTA – Add New Projects to Program

3. Project Selections for the New Jersey Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program 

The NJ SRTS subcommittee used agreed upon selection criteria to guide the selection process for the applications. The committee reviewed 16 TASA applications.  The selected projects total approximately $15,784,000 in available Flex funds. We are seeking a recommendation to add these projects to the FY 2024 New Jersey S/TIP.

4. Updated Memorandums of Understanding (DVRPC/SJTPO/WILMAPCO and DVRPC/RATS)

Michael Boyer, DVRPC Director of Regional Planning, will present. Criteria and boundary changes as a result of the 2020 Decennial Census require DVRPC to update its Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with surrounding Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO). Two updated MOUs will be presented this month. They both outline areas of coordination and the division of transportation planning responsibilities among and between the MPOs. The MOU with the Reading Area Transportation Study (RATS) additionally documents the transfer of Surface Transportation Urban (STU) funds to RATS.

5. Adjustments to the PM3 CMAQ Congestion Four-Year Performance Targets for the Philadelphia PA-NJ-DE-MD and Trenton, NJ Urban Areas

Tom Edinger, DVRPC Manager of Congestion Management Programs, will present. DVRPC facilitated efforts with the Philadelphia PA-NJ-DE-MD and Trenton, NJ Urban Area PM3 CMAQ Congestion Coordination Groups to review mid-performance period progress and evaluate four-year target adjustments for the second performance period (2022-2025) for two traffic congestion measures: Percent Non-Single Occupant Vehicle (Non-SOV) travel and annual Peak Hour Excessive Delay (PHED) per capita. Both groups separately reached agreement to support four-year target adjustment increases for the Percent Non-SOV travel measure and keep the PHED four-year target the same.

6. Election of Fiscal Year 2025 Regional Technical Committee Officers

The RTC nominating committee will present a slate of candidates for FY 2025. 


7. Return to PATCO – A Promotion of Transit, Walking and Biking in South Jersey (TOP)

Kristen McGlaughlin, Cross County Connection TMA Sustainable Transportation Planner, will present. In 2023, Cross County Connection TMA, Port Authority Transit Corporation (PATCO), and Voorhees Township successfully completed “Return to PATCO” – A Promotion of Transit, Walking and Biking in South Jersey. This presentation will discuss the components of the project, including a regional outreach campaign and a Complete Streets demonstration in the Green Ridge neighborhood, located a short distance from PATCO’s Ashland Station.


8. EV Charging Funding Opportunity

Sean Greene, DVRPC Manager of the Office of Freight and Clean Transportation, will lead a discussion on preliminary ideas for the upcoming round of the competitive Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Grant program in Pennsylvania. The presentation will include lessons learned from the first round application to the CFI program. Staff will review recent analysis of electric vehicle charging infrastructure to identify potential gaps in the region’s publicly available charging network and how this analysis may inform the CFI grant application.

9. IIJA Update 

An update on IIJA funding opportunities and coordination activities will be provided. 

10. One Minute Reports

RTC Members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.

11. Old Business and New Business

12. Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the RTC is Tuesday, July 9,  2024, planned as an in-person/hybrid meeting.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District