Regional Technical Committee

10:00 am, September 12, 2023

Call In Phone Number: 1-346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 873 6094 2876 Passcode: 47095015

DVRPC Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions call (215) 592-1800

Call to Order – Chair’s Comments 

Deputy Executive Director’s Report 

Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items 


1.Highlights of the July 11, 2023 RTC Meeting 

2.DVRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions 

Ethan Fogg, Capital Program Coordinator, will present. The dynamic nature of funding transportation improvements and the need to remain within financial constraint require amendments or modifications to the TIP on a regular basis. The following projects require formal TIP modifications or amendments this month for the FY2022 TIP for New Jersey and/or the FY2023 TIP for Pennsylvania. 

  1. PA23-73: Statewide Multimodal Transportation Fund Projects (Various MPMS #s), Various Counties – Accept New Projects into the TIP
  2. PA23-74: Projects of Significance (MPMS #115472), SEPTA – Add New Projects to Program
  3.  PA23-75: Maintenance and Transportation Facilities (MPMS #102569), SEPTA – Add New Projects to Program
  4. PA23-76: Wyebrooke Road over East Brandywine Creek (MPMS #86280), Chester County – Add New Act 13 Bridge Project to the TIP
  5. PA23-77: Lincoln Highway Streetscape Project (MPMS #111761), Chester County – Add New Project to the TIP
  6.  PA23-78: St. Peter’s Road Retaining Wall Project (MPMS #111572), Chester County – Add New Project to the TIP
  7. PA23-79: Route for Change Short-term MEGA Grant Safety Projects Implementation: Transforming Philadelphia’s Roosevelt Boulevard (US 1) (Various MPMS #s), Philadelphia County – Add New Projects to the TIP 

3. Adoption of the Conformity Determination of the Amendments to the Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan and FY 2023 TIP for Pennsylvania and Draft FY2024 TIP for New Jersey

Sean Greene, DVRPC Manager, Office of Freight and Clean Transportation, will present. DVRPC is demonstrating conformity for amendments to the Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan (Plan) and the FY 2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania and Draft FY 2024 TIP for New Jersey. This demonstration is necessitated by amendments of regionally significant projects to the Connections 2050 Plan and FY 2023 TIP for Pennsylvania as well as a new FY 2024 TIP for New Jersey. Staff will present the results of the Air Quality Conformity Determination and request that the RTC recommend that the DVRPC Board adopt the conformity findings at the September 28, 2023 DVRPC Board meeting.

4. Recommendation to the DVRPC Board that it adopt Amendment 2 to the Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia, the region’s Long-Range Plan, and revise the scope, funding, status, and/or timing of 16 major regional projects.

Jackie Davis, DVRPC Manager, Office of Long-Range Planning, will present. DVRPC has drafted a new amendment to the Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia, necessitated by major changes to the scope, funding, status, and/or timing of various Major Regional Projects. This Amendment ensures the Plan remains aligned with the regional TIP and state programs for Pennsylvania and New Jersey, otherwise maintaining the funding status of projects in the DVRPC Board Adopted Plan. This includes reversing one change listed in the draft for public comment. Staff will present the details of the Amendment and request that the RTC recommend that the DVRPC Board adopt the Amendment and revise the scope, funding, status, and/or timing of 16 major regional projects at the September 28, 2023 DVRPC Board meeting.

5. Adoption of the Draft DVRPC FY2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for New Jersey (FY24–FY27)NJTIP

Rick Murphy, Manager, Office of TIP Development and Maintenance, will present.  A Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is required by federal law and planning regulations for the metropolitan region to be eligible to receive and spend federal transportation funds. The MPO develops the TIP in cooperation with member governments, the state Department of Transportation, and transit operators, and must provide an opportunity for public input and comment. A minimum 30-day public comment period must be conducted prior to a formal action to adopt the TIP. For the Draft DVRPC FY2024 TIP for New Jersey, staff will present a program overview, comments received during the public comment period, a proposed list of recommended changes to the draft program and will ask the RTC to recommend Board adoption of the Draft DVRPC FY2024 TIP for New Jersey with the recommended changes. The Draft TIP document is available online at and in hardcopy at various public libraries and the DVRPC office.

6. DVRPC FY2024 Work Program Amendment: Add funding for the I-95 TDM work to project  24-70-300

Stacy Bartels, DVRPC Manager, Office of TDM Strategy and Marketing, will present. This project will add funding to the FY2024 Work Program for I-95 TDM work, allowing DVRPC to directly administer contracts for these ongoing activities on behalf of PennDOT District 6. DVRPC will issue the contract with three organizations: Clean Air Council, Delaware Co. TMA and TMA Bucks. This is a two-year project and this work will occur in FY24. (MPMS# 106654).

7. DVRPC FY2024 Work Program Amendment:  Willow Grove Naval Air Station Redevelopment Traffic Study.

Matt Gates, DVRPC Associate Director, Travel Trends and Forecasts, will present. A Traffic Impact Assessment is underway to evaluate the operational effects of the proposed Willow Grove Naval Air Station Redevelopment on the surrounding arterial roadways.  To support that effort, DVRPC's travel demand model will be used to forecast 2050 AM and PM peak hour intersection turning movements at approximately 20 locations surrounding the former Air Station.  

8. DVRPC FY2024 Work Program Amendment:  Phase II of Connectivity Options for US202 Section 200 

Kelsey McElduff, Principal Transportation Engineer, will present. This project will continue and complete work begun in FY2023 to develop and evaluate alternatives for better connecting US202 with adjoining land uses in Chester County. The action proposed is an administrative action to carry forward unspent funds from the FY2023 UPWP to support completion of analysis and project deliverables during FY2024.

9. 2020 Adjusted Urban Area Update for New Jersey

Matt Gates, DVRPC Associate Director, Travel Trends and Forecasts, will present. The Census Bureau recently completed its update of Urbanized Areas based on the 2020 Census. Those boundaries serve as the starting point for FHWA's Adjusted Urban Area, which is used for several transportation planning and engineering purposes.  DVRPC worked with NJDOT and Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Mercer Counties to develop the Adjusted Urban Area for NJ and will present the results. 


10. IIJA Update 

An update on IIJA funding opportunities and coordination activities will be provided. 

11. One Minute Reports

RTC Members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.

Old Business and New Business

12. Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the RTC is Tuesday, October 10, 2023, planned for in person/hybrid.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District