Regional Technical Committee

10:00 am, May 9, 2023

1-346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 828 0821 2957 Passcode: 87402415


1. Call to Order – Chair’s Comments

2. Deputy Executive Director’s Report

3. Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items


4. Highlights of the April 11, 2023 RTC Meeting

5. DVRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions

Rick Murphy, Manager, Office of TIP Development and Maintenance, will present. The dynamic nature of funding transportation improvements and the need to remain within financial constraint require amendments or modifications to the TIP on a regular basis. The following projects require formal TIP modifications or amendments this month for the FY2022 TIP for New Jersey and/or the FY2023 TIP for Pennsylvania.

  1. PA23-44: Clay Ridge Road Bridge (MPMS #13014), Bucks County – Delete project from the TIP
  2. PA23-45: Gravel Pike over Swamp Creek (MPMS #93015), Montgomery County – Delete project from the TIP
  3. PA23-46: SEPTA CARSI 2 (Various MPMS#s), SEPTA – Add new project into the TIP
  4. PA23-47: Cross County Trail Extension (MPMS # 119481), Montgomery County – Add new project to the TIP
  5. PA23-48: The Circuit Line Item (MPMS# 105291), Various – Update Project Description 

6.  Project Selections for the New Jersey Transportation Alternative Set-Aside (TA-SA) Program

Dan Snyder, DVRPC PennDOT Consultant Project Manager, will present on the NJ TA-SA program. The NJ TA-SA subcommittee used agreed upon selection criteria to guide the selection process for the applications. The committee reviewed 19 TASA applications. The selected projects total approximately $11,184,000 in available TA-SA and Flex funds. We are seeking a recommendation to add these projects to the FY 2023 New Jersey S/TIP.

7. Work Program for New Jersey portion of Travel Option Program (TOP) project

Stacy Bartels, Manager, Office of TDM Strategy and Marketing, will present the scope for a project PATCO will undertake to promote its FREEDOM SHARE Card, which allows for seamless transfers between PATCO and SEPTA (except for Regional Rail). This project complements a similar effort in PA to promote its Key Advantage program.

8. DVRPC FY24 Work Program Amendment: Technical Assistance Funding to Support the PA Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) Program

Shawn Megill Legendre, DVRPC Manager, Regional Trails Program, and Joe Natale, DVRPC Senior Project Implementation Engineer, will present on this work program amendment to use funding from the PA statewide TASA program for technical assistance to build a strong, viable pipeline of TASA eligible projects, particularly in Justice40 communities; to accelerate completion of the Circuit, and to effectively manage projects post-award.

9. Appointment of Nominating Committee for FY2024 DVRPC Regional Technical Committee Officers

A Nominating Committee will be selected to solicit candidates for Chair and Vice-Chair of the RTC for FY2024 (July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024). The Nominating Committee will be facilitated by a DVRPC staff member and consist of a voting member from PA and a voting member from NJ. At the June 2023 RTC meeting, the Nominating Committee will recommend candidates and elections will take place.


10. Enhancing PART Bus Stops in the Pottstown Area

Kourtney High, PART Grants Administrator, has been working closely with Pottstown and PART Inc. for the past two years to identify and prioritize improvements to visibility and accessibility of PART bus stops. The study has produced a guide which will help PART apply best practices in bus stop design and access across the system. Mark Morley, DVRPC Transportation Planner, will provide overview of the system-wide and stop-specific recommendations and PART will discuss ongoing projects and next steps for moving the recommendations forward.

11. The State of the Practice of MPO Long-Range Planning

Jackie Davis, DVRPC Manager, Office of Long-Range Planning, will present. Last year, Long-Range Planning staff conducted surveys and in-person interviews of 14 peer organizations across the country to identify the state of the practice of MPO long-range planning. Results of those interviews are documented in a new white paper which focuses on a range of long-range plan activities and concludes with a set of recommendations to inform the Connections 2050 v2.0 Long-Range Plan. Staff will present a summary of this study and its findings.


12. IIJA Update

An update on IIJA funding opportunities and coordination activities will be provided. This month will include an update on the SS4A Round 2: What to Know.

13. One Minute Reports 

RTC Members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.

Old Business and New Business 

14. Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the RTC is Tuesday, June 6, 2023.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District