10:00 am, January 15, 2025
Watch RecordingONLINE ONLY
The Future is Now: Integrating Advanced Technologies into the Goods Movement Workforce
1. Welcome and Call to Order
Task Force members and friends will be welcomed and asked to introduce themselves.
2. DVRPC Transportation and Warehousing Industry Snapshot
Maggie Nemetz, DVRPC, will share a subsector analysis for the Transportation and Warehousing Industry.
3. The Impacts of E-Commerce and Freight Futures
Dan Farina, DVRPC, will share an overview of the DVRPC Freight Program’s work on the Impacts of E-Commerce and the results from the Freight Futures scenario planning effort.
4. Advanced Technologies in the Goods Movement Workforce: Panel Discussion
To further explore the role that advanced digital technologies may have in the Transportation and Warehousing industries and their workforces, the following subject matter experts will be joining us for a panel discussion:
• Patricia Blumenauer, Philadelphia Works
• Lisa Brozey, AECOM
• Beckie DeJoseph, Econsult Solutions Inc.
• Kate McAfoose, Chang Industrial
5. Two-minute Reports
Task Force members and friends are invited to offer updates on the activities of their companies and agencies.
The next meeting of the Goods Movement Task Force will be held on April 16th, 2025 at 10am.