Regional Technical Committee

10:00 a.m., May 8, 2018

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance

1. Call to Order – Chairman’s Comments


2. Deputy Executive Director’s Report


3. Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items



4. Highlights of the April 10, 2018 RTC Meeting


5. DVRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions

The dynamic nature of funding transportation improvements and the need to remain within financial constraint require amendments or modifications to the TIP. The following projects require formal TIP Amendments or Modifications this month for the FY 2017 TIP for PA and the FY 2016 for NJ.

  1. NJ16-021:  Route 47, Bridge over Route 295, (DB #15310), Gloucester County – Remove CON from Project/Add CON to DB #03304
  2. PA17-89: Approval of Additional Automated Red-Light Enforcement (ARLE) Round 6 (2016 Funding) Projects, (Various MPMS #s), Various Counties –                    Add New Proposed Projects to the TIP 
  3. PA17-90:  City ADA Ramps Project, (MPMS #96109), City of Philadelphia – Low Bid Construction Cost Decrease
  4. PA17-91:  Frankford Avenue Study, (MPMS #111067), City of Philadelphia – Add New Study to the TIP

6. Fiscal Year 2018 Planning Work Program Amendment

To respond to the needs of member governments and agencies, work program changes and additions are brought to the RTC to permit the timely undertaking of technical activity.

Regional Streetlight Procurement Program Seed Fund

The Regional Streetlight Procurement Program (RSLPP) seed funding will provide DVRPC with the upfront cost associated with hiring legal, contracting, and technical advisors to serve the Regional Streetlight Procurement Program. DVRPC expects to serve at least 15 additional municipalities in the conversion of street lighting systems to LED through this second round of the RSLPP.

7. CMAQ Congestion Performance Measure Targets

Congress has established a performance-based planning and programming approach to investing in our nation's transportation infrastructure. There are two CMAQ Congestion performance measures, annual peak hour excessive delay (PHED) and percentage non-SOV travel, that apply to urbanized areas of over one million that are also air quality nonattainment areas. The DVRPC region is part of both the Philadelphia and New York urbanized areas and multiple States and MPOs have been collaborating to set a single target in each of these urbanized areas. Staff will provide an overview of the target-setting process and ask for a recommendation to adopt targets for each of these measures and urbanized areas.

8. Appointment of Nominating Committee for FY2019 DVRPC Regional Technical Committee Officers

A Nominating Committee will be selected to solicit candidates for Chairman and Vice Chairman of the RTC for FY2019 (July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019). The Chairman for FY2019 must be a voting member from Pennsylvania, and the Vice Chairman must be a voting member from New Jersey. The Nominating Committee will report these candidates and elections will take place at the June 2018 RTC meeting.


9. Penn Wood Middle School Future Cities Competition Award Recipient

The Philadelphia Regional Future City Competition provides a fun and exciting educational engineering program for middle school students that combines a stimulating engineering challenge with a "hands-on" application to present their vision of a city of the future.   DVRPC sponsored a Regional Vision Award at this year’s competition and has invited the students from Penn Wood Middle School to showcase their winning entry.

10. Enhancing Travel and Tourism Infrastructure

To further understand the economic impact of tourism on our regional economy and to ensure equitable and efficient transportation access to tourist destinations, DVRPC has recently completed a data analysis and is undertaking a planning study to improve tourism and travel infrastructure.

11. DVRPC's Travel Demand Model Data Viewer

Staff will present an overview of a new tool that is under development that will allow users to view, map, and graph input and output data from DVRPC's regional travel demand model in a easy to use, web based application. RTC members will be encouraged to offer feedback on the data sets that would be most useful to their agencies.

12. Curbless Streets

Staff will present the traits and benefits common to curbless streets, sometimes called shared streets. Because of their unique design, staff will provide an overview of the special design considerations inherent in them, and suggestions on selecting potential sites and design tools for use within candidate streets.



14. One Minute Reports

RTC Members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.

15. Old Business and New Business


16. Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the RTC is Tuesday, June 12, 2018.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District