Regional Technical Committee

10:00 a.m., January 9, 2018

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance

1. Call to Order – Chairman’s Comments


2. Deputy Executive Director’s Report


3. Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items



4. Highlights of the November 14, 2017 RTC Meeting


5. DVRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions

The dynamic nature of funding transportation improvements and the need to remain within financial constraint require amendments or modifications to the TIP. The following projects requires formal TIP Amendments or Modifications this month for the FY 2017 TIP for PA and the FY 2016 for NJ.

  1. PA17-70: US 202, DeKalb Pike, Section 610 (Design Only), (MPMS #50364), Montgomery County – Increase FD Phase
  2. PA17-71: Park Road Trail, (MPMS #71198), Chester County – Add Project Back into the TIP
  3. PA17-72: Ambler Pedestrian Sidewalk Improvements, (MPMS #74813), Montgomery County – Add Project Back into the TIP

6. Fiscal Year 2018 Planning Work Program Amendments

To respond to the needs of member governments and agencies, work program    changes and additions are brought to the RTC to permit the timely undertaking of technical activity.

 a. US 422 Pottstown Bypass Traffic Forecasts

DVRPC will provide PennDOT and their consultants updated traffic projections for portions of the US 422 Pottstown Bypass corridor in Chester and Montgomery counties. These forecasts are needed to complete the final reconstruction design, prepare a final noise analysis, and update the categorical exclusion evaluation. Forecasts will be prepared for an anticipated opening year of 2025 and a design year of 2045.

b. Pedestrian Facilities and Planning Portal

This project will create a Pedestrian Facilities and Planning Portal that will provide a space to allow collaboration between local and regional planning partners working on pedestrian improvements. This online interface will provide access to and accommodate maintenance of the regional sidewalk inventory by local entities and will allow local and regional planning partners to share their pedestrian facility priorities on an interactive map. Work will begin in Pennsylvania to support PennDOT Connects, and later be adapted as the sidewalk inventory extends into our New Jersey counties.

c. West Windsor Township Traffic Model

DVRPC will prepare a customized travel demand model covering West Windsor Township in Mercer County and the surrounding municipalities. This model will be used by the Township and its consultants for traffic impact analysis other evaluation of proposed developments.

7. Pennslvania Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program (TA) Regionally Selected & Statewide Recommended Projects

The Pennsylvania Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program (TA) is a competitive federal program established for projects that contribute to alternative transportation projects, including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The three-year Pennsylvania TA Program will provide approximately $12 million TA funds for projects in the DVRPC region and will provide $55+ million for projects statewide.

8. Regional Trails Program Grant Awards

DVRPC staff will present three projects for Regional Trails Program grant awards.  These projects will contribute to advancing key segments of the Circuit Trails in New Jersey.

9. FY19 UPWP Adoption and TIP Modifications to Fund Select Projects

At their December 6, 2017 meeting, the DVRPC Board authorized release of the Draft FY19 Planning Work Program for distribution and review, with the public comment period scheduled to run from December 7, 2017 to January 8, 2018. DVRPC staff is in the process of receiving and responding to comments and are working to resolve any open issues. Staff will present comments received so far and the responses prepared to address those comments.  The RTC is being asked to recommend that the Board adopt the Final FY19 Planning Work Program, pending the resolution of any outstanding comments and issues. To support certain projects that the Board has selected for the DVRPC FY19 PWP, several TIP Actions will need to be made to the FY18 TIP for New Jersey and the FY17 TIP for Pennsylvania.

10. Performance Based Planning and Programming

A key feature of MAP-21 was the establishment of a performance-based planning and programming approach for investing in our nation’s transportation infrastructure. This approach continues under the FAST ACT. The objective of this approach is for State DOTs and MPOs to invest resources in projects that collectively will make progress toward the achievement of national goals. FHWA staff will provide an overview of the established performance measures, implications for MPOs and their current status.

11. Safety Performance Measure Targets

Both MAP-21 and the FAST Act established a set of transportation performance measures that require state DOTs and MPOs to set performance targets.  MPOs can choose to set their own targets or adopt the statewide targets set by the state DOT. Staff will provide an overview of the safety performance measure and ask for a recommendation to set the same targets as PennDOT and NJ DOT.


12. Modern Trolley Station Design Guide

Staff will present the recently completed Modern Trolley Station Design Guide. The Guide provides practitioners with guidance on the design parameters needed for modern trolley stations along SEPTA's six City Transit Division trolley lines in anticipation of SEPTA's trolley feet replacement, or 'Trolley Modernization'. 


One Minute Reports

RTC Members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of  their agencies.

13. Old Business and New Business


14. Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the RTC is Tuesday, February 13, 2018.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District