Regional Technical Committee

10:00 a.m., June 13, 2017

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance

1.        Call to Order – Chairman’s Comments

2.        Deputy Executive Director’s Report

3.        Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items


4.      Highlights of the May 9, 2017 RTC Meeting

5.       DVRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions

The dynamic nature of funding transportation improvements and the need to remain within financial constraint require amendments or modifications to the TIP. The following projects requires formal TIP Amendments or Modifications this month for the FY 2017 TIP for PA and the FY 2016 for NJ.

a.    NJ16-131:  Rt. 73, CR 534 (Jackson Rd) to Fork Landing, (DB #17612), Burlington and Camden Counties – Add New Project to the TIP

b.    NJ16-132:  Bridge Preventive Maintenance, (DB #13323), Statewide – Scope Increase

c.  PA17-42:  Chestnut Street Bridges, Ramps, (8) at 30th Street, (MPMS #17816), City of Philadelphia – Low Bid Construction Cost Increase

d.    PA17-43:  Bridge Groups M & N, (MPMS #’s 102318 & 107544), Various Counties, Add New Projects to the TIP

e.    PA17-44:  PA 291 Drainage Improvement, (MPMS #99668), Delaware County, Add New Project to the TIP

f.     PA17-45:  Railroad Crossing (RRX) LED Light Installation, (MPMS #106295), Various Counties, Add New Project to the TIP

6.   Authorization to Open a Public Comment Period for the Draft Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan; Draft FY 2018 TIP for New Jersey; and the Draft Conformity Finding of the Plan and TIPs.

Staff requests authorization to open a minimum 30-day public comment period for the purpose of gathering public and agency comments on the Draft Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan, Draft FY 2018-2021 TIP for New Jersey, and the Draft Conformity Determination of the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan, FY 2017 TIP for Pennsylvania, and FY 2018 TIP for New Jersey; to issue proper public notifications; to publish the draft documents of the respective Plan and TIPs and conformity findings on the internet; to make copies available at certain public libraries; and to hold public meetings.

7.         Project Selections for the New Jersey Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

The NJ TAP subcommittee, using the agreed upon selection criteria, reviewed and scored applications for the New Jersey TAP program.  The committee reviewed 24 TAP applications.  They selected projects totaling approximately $5.0 M in available TAP funds. We are seeking a recommendation to add these projects to the FY 2017 New Jersey TIP.

8.         Regional Trails Program Grant Awards

DVRPC will present 12 projects for Regional Trails Program grant awards.  These projects will contribute to advancing key segments of the Circuit Trails in Pennsylvania.

9.         Authorization to Proceed to Develop Nonprofit Subsidiaries

Two nonprofit organizations are proposed to be created at DVRPC; one for the five Southeastern Pennsylvania counties and one for the four New Jersey counties. These organizations could enable DVRPC to work with its local members to advance projects and pursue funding from foundations or others that will only fund nonprofits. Staff will request an RTC recommendation to request Board action to begin to develop the materials for these organizations.

10.      Annual Self-Certification of the Regional Transportation Planning Process

Federal regulations require that Metropolitan Planning Organizations self- certify that the Regional Transportation Planning Process is carried out in conformance with applicable federal regulations. Staff will request an RTC recommendation for Board approval.

11.      Election of Fiscal Year 2018 Regional Technical Committee Officers

The RTC nominating committee will present a slate of candidates for FY 2018.


12.     Roosevelt Boulevard Direct Bus

DVPRC, SEPTA, and the City of Philadelphia will present about the planning and steps to implementation of the Roosevelt Boulevard Direct Bus. The Direct Bus is a new mode for SEPTA, and the agency's first application of it will be on Roosevelt Boulevard. 


13.    Draft DVRPC Vision Statement

Periodically, DVRPC revisits its adopted Vision Statement to make sure that it accurately captures a concise and accurate portrayal of the work that DVRPC is undertaking and that those activities are valued and in-line with the direction supported by our member governments and stakeholders. Staff will present a draft of a new vision statement and discuss the process for moving it forward to adoption.

14.     One Minute Reports

RTC Members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of  their agencies.

15.    Old Business and New Business

16.    Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the RTC is Tuesday, July 11, 2017.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District