Regional Technical Committee

10:00 AM, February 12, 2001

A light lunch will be available

The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance

10:00 a.m. Regional Transportation Committee Meeting Begins
12:00 p.m. Working Lunch
1:00 p.m. New Jersey Subcommittee meeting on the status of the project "New Jersey Problem Identification and Prioritization."

1. Report of January 9, 2001 RTC Meeting

2. Report on Board Activities


3. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

  • TIP Action PA 0113:
    PennDOT Adjustment Package - PennDOT is requesting a series of adjustments that reflect cost and schedule changes to existing or former projects.

  • TIP Action NJ 0105:
    DRPA Embankment Restoration, Erosion Control - DRPA is requesting to add this former project back to the TIP at a total cost of $1 million.

4. Telecommuting Pilot Program

Staff seeks RTC approval to work with the National Environmental Policy Institute to establish a pilot program for telecommuting in which credits will be accumulated for use or for sale in meeting other air quality obligations. A draft work program description is enclosed.

5. Release of Preliminary Year 2025 Land Use Plan for Public Comment

Staff will present the Preliminary Year 2025 Land Use Plan and seek the RTC's recommendation to the Board to release the Plan for public review and comment.


6. Job Access and Reverse Commute Competitive Grant Program: Initiation of FY 2001 Pennsylvania and FY 2002 New Jersey Project Review Process

DVRPC solicited Letters of Intent for proposed projects in January and conducted a briefing on January 19th. Letters of Intent were due at DVRPC on February 5th. Staff will report on the Letters of Intent received, the review process to determine application qualifications, plan consistency, project priorities, and the action steps for the Board in February and March.

7. Pennsylvania Turnpike Long Range Planning

The Pennsylvania Turnpike, over the last two decades, has become an important facility for commuter and other local trips in the region. Mr. Tim Smith of the Turnpike staff will make a presentation regarding the overall needs and direction of the Turnpike and some of the current ongoing activities.

8. Draft Year 2025 Transportation Plan

Updates will be provided on the conformity demonstration and financial issues on the plan which the RTC recommended to the Board last month for public review. A revised schedule will also be presented.

9. Draft Regional Aviation System Plan (RASP) Update - 2025

Significant changes have occurred since 1995, when the 2020 RASP was adopted, in aviation demand, facilities availability, funding programs, and development issues which necessitate a regional update. RASP recommendations will be integrated into State Systems Plans in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, which are also now being prepared.


  • New Jersey TIP Development
  • Strategic Bicycle Plan

10. Old Business

11. New Business

1. Highlights of the January 9, 2001 RTC Meeting
2. TIP Action PA 0113
3. TIP Action NJ 0105
4. Telework Pilot Program
5. Preliminary Land Use Plan - Report #3
6. Calendar of Events for February, 2001

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District