Regional Technical Committee

10:00 a.m.Meeting , April 1, 2008

Watch Recording

12:00 Noon Lunch

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance

10:00 a.m. Planning Coordinating Committee & Regional Transportation Committee Meeting
12:00 Noon Lunch
1:00 p.m. Regional Transit Advisory Committee Pennsylvania (PA) Subcommittee Meeting

1. Call to Order - Chairman's Comments

2. Deputy Executive Director's Report

3. Report on Regional Citizens Committee Activities


4. Highlights of the Meeting of March 11, 2008

5. DVRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions

The dynamic nature of funding transportation improvements and the need to remain within financial constraint require amendments or modifications to the TIP. As situations arise, the PCC/RTC is asked to consider changes.

a. PA07-91: Federal Preventative Maintenance Program (MPMS #60317), SEPTA - Cost Increase

6. Authorization to Open 30-Day Public Comment Period for the Draft 2009 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for New Jersey (FY2009-2012) and for Pennsylvania (FY2009-2012)

Federal law planning regulations require the development of a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) in order for the metropolitan region to be eligible to receive federal transportation funds. Staff will seek a recommendation to open a 30-day public comment period in May 2008, for the purpose of gathering public and agency comments on the draft 2009 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for New Jersey (FY2009-2012) and for Pennsylvania (FY2009-2012).

7. Request to Release Transportation Conformity Determination of the FY 2009- 2012 TIP's for Pennsylvania and New Jersey for Public Comment

DVRPC will be conducting a Transportation Conformity Determination of the FY 2009-2012 TIPs for Pennsylvania and New Jersey. DVRPC will hold a thirty-day public comment period on the conformity document from May 16, 2008 until June 20, 2008. Staff requests that the RTC recommend that the DVRPC Board authorize the release of the conformity documents for the required thirty-day public comment period.

8. Fiscal Year 2009 Planning Work Program Amendment

To respond to the needs of member governments and agencies, work program changes and additions are brought to the PCC/RTC to permit the timely undertaking of technical activity.

a. Woodhaven Road Extension Traffic Study

9. Appointment of Nominating Committee for Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09) DVRPC Planning Coordinating Committee/Regional Transportation Committee (PCC/RTC) Officers

A Nominating Committee will be selected to appoint candidates for Chairman and Vice Chairman for the PCC/RTC for FY09 (July 1, 2008) through June 30, 2009). The Chairman for FY09 must be a voting member from Pennsylvania, and the Vice Chairman must be a voting member from New Jersey. The committee will report these candidates and elections will take place at the June 2008 PCC/RTC meeting.


10. Climate Change Overview

Staff will present an overview of the science underlying climate change, and will discuss the implications for DVRPC's work. The presentation will also include an overview of the new "Climate Change Initiatives" program area in DVRPC's FY 2009 Comprehensive Work Program.

11. 2000 and 2005 Modes of Travel

Staff will present an overview of the travel modes and sub-modes utilized by residents of the DVRPC region and how they are included in DVRPC's regional travel simulation model. Transit sub-modes include Railroad, Subway Elevated, Bus and Trolley; Highway modes consider Auto, Truck, and Taxi trips; and, nonmotorized travel include Bicycle and Walk trips. This presentation will also provide regional tabulations of the trips for each travel mode and sub-mode as estimated in the recent 2000 and 2005 validations of the DVRPC model.


12. Connections Plan On-Line Survey

DVRPC has just concluded an on-line survey of regional issues that will be used to help prioritize regional goals and strategies for the long-range plan. Staff will report on the preliminary findings as well as outline next steps in development of the Connections Plan.

13. One Minute Reports

PCC/RTC Members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.

14. Old Business and New Business

15. Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the PCC/RTC is May 6, 2008

1. Highlights of the March 11, 2008 RTC Meeting
2. TIP Actions, April 2008
3. FY09 Work Program Amendments
4. Memorandum for Agenda Item #6
5. The Philadelphia Dispatch Newsletter
6. Regional Transit Advisory Committee (RTAC) Agenda
7. Introduction to the DVRPC Regional Transit Vision for 2035

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District