Emphasis Area Focus: Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety
9:30am - noon, November 28, 2017
<a rel="external" href="https://dvrpc.ticketleap.com/rstf/">click here to register</a>
Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA
For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Emphasis Area Focus: Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety
- Peter Kremer, Senior Supervising Planner, WSP
- John Boyle, Research Director, Philadelphia Police Department, Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
- Charlotte Castle, Vision Zero & Neighborhood Programs Coordinator, Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems, City of Philadelphia
3. Action Item Development Breakout Session
RSTF members will brainstorm action items to address pedestrian and bicyclist safety in the region.
4. Member Updates and Open Forum
- First Responders’ Update
- Legislative Update
- Member Announcements
5. Additional RSTF/DVRPC Updates
- Action Items Update
6. Conclusion