10:00 am, January 9, 2019
Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA
For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance
1. Call to Order
Task Force members and friends will be welcomed and recognized. Highlights from the previous freight advisory committee meeting on October 10, 2018 will be offered for approval.
2. Congestion Management Process at DVRPC
Tom Edinger, Senior Transportation Planner at DVRPC, will present on the Congestion Management Process (CMP) at DVRPC. The CMP provides information on transportation system performance and recommends strategies to minimize congestion. Mr. Edinger will provide an overview of the CMP update underway and highlight some of the freight specific performance considerations.
3. Updating Greater Philadelphia Future Forces
DVPRC is kicking off its Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan with an updated scenario planning exercise. Jackie Davis, Senior Planner at DVRPC, will provide an overview of the Futures Group and its work, and will call for applications to the Futures 2050 Working Group, which will convene in the Spring of 2019.
4. Home Delivery World/City Freight Show 2019
The Pennsylvania Convention Center will play host, on April 3-5, to a national conference on retail logistics and city freight issues. Dan Reiss, Project Director and conference organizer, will present on the event that will bring together retailers, carriers, logistics providers, as well as city transportation officials and planners.
5. Freight Partner Spotlight: Phillips Mushroom Farms
Phillips Mushroom Farms is the largest grower of specialty mushrooms in the United States and has helped to make Kennett Square, Pennsylvania the “Mushroom Capital of the World”. Todd Cullen, Manager at Phillips Mushroom Farms, will provide an overview of the mushroom industry and discuss the companies’ growing, packing, and distribution operations.
6. Two-minute Reports
Task Force and Subcommittee chairs and Task Force members and friends are invited to offer updates on the activities of their companies and agencies.
7. Old or New Business/Adjournment
Old or new items of business will be considered. The remaining 2019 meeting dates of the Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force are:
• Friday, April 12 (joint meeting with Regional Community and Economic Development Forum)
• Wednesday, July 10 (Downtown Delivery Symposium V)
• Wednesday, October 9