Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force

10:00 am , October 10, 2018

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance

Coffee will be available at 9:30 A.M. and lunch will be served following the meeting.

Meeting attendees may be eligible for AICP CM (Certification Maintenance) Credit(s).

1. Call to Order

Task Force members and friends will be welcomed and recognized. Highlights from the previous freight advisory committee meeting (i.e., Downtown Delivery Symposium IV) held on July 11, 2018 will be offered for approval.

2. Marcus Hook Grade Crossing Study

The Marcus Hook Grade Crossing Study was undertaken by DVRPC to examine existing transportation operations and conditions at three inter-connected highway-railroad grade crossings on the Conrail Chester Secondary. Mike Ruane will discuss the study findings including potential improvements for the grade crossings.

3. The Economic Impact of Delaware River Ports

Jeff Sweeney of Martin Associates will present the local and regional economic impacts generated by maritime activity at the public and private marine terminals located along the Delaware River in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware and also discuss trends in U.S. containerized shipping, with a focus on East Coast ports.

4. I-95 Reconstruction Project Update

The PennDOT Planning and Design team will discuss PennDOT’s multi-staged reconstruction of I-95. Addressing one of the region’s busiest highways and most important to freight and commerce, the I-95 project seeks to improve travel time reliability and deliver transformative, long-term improvements.

5. Philadelphia International Airport Air Cargo Initiative

Jim Tyrrell of Philadelphia International Airport will discuss a recently acquired 135-acre tract located to the immediate west of the airport where PHL is pursuing expedited development of approximately 1 million square feet of cargo handling facilities that will generate significant value to the regional economy.

6. Freight Shipper Spotlight: Manfredi Companies, Chester County, PA

The Manfredi Companies operate a full service temperature controlled warehouse in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, the acknowledged Mushroom Capital of North America. Frank Manfredi, President, will discuss the companies’ various services covering the storage, handling, packing and distribution of product from over 22 countries around the world.

7. Two-minute Reports

Task Force and Subcommittee chairs and Task Force members and friends are invited to offer updates on the activities of their companies and agencies.

8. Old or New Business/Adjournment

Old or new items of business will be considered. The proposed 2019 meeting dates of the Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force are: January 9, April 10, July 10 (Downtown Delivery Symposium V) and October 9.
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