10:00 a.m., April 11, 2018
Coffee will be available at 9:30 A.M. and lunch will be served following the meeting.
Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA
For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance
1. Call to Order
Task Force members and friends will be welcomed and recognized. Highlights from the previous freight advisory committee meeting on January 12, 2018 will be offered for approval.
2. Connecting Freight with PennDOT Connects
PennDOT Connects is a new initiative to proactively involve municipalities and community stakeholders in designing andundertaking more comprehensive and effective projects. Jesse Buerk (DVRPC) will provide an overview of the project development process and how freight needs are considered.
3. Preparing for Ultra Large Container Vessels
Captain Jonathan Kemmerley, President, The Pilots' Association for the Bay and River Delaware, will discuss the recentULCV (Ultra Large Container Vessel) simulation training completed by local pilots to prepare for the arrival of container vessels which are capable of carrying 14,000 TEU (twenty foot equivalent units) to the Ports of the Delaware River.
4. Freight Partner Spotlight: Federal Railroad Administration
Lou Tomassone, Deputy Regional Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Region 2, located in Crum Lynne, PA, will provide an overview of the various duties and activities of the FRA and also present relevant railroad grade crossing safety information.
5. Truck Parking Capacity Initiatives
Truck parking demand is projected to increase due to truck traffic growth on the Nation’s highway system. Jeff Purdy will discuss how the FHWA and the National Coalition on Truck Parking are identifying capacity solutions through the use of technology and data, innovative funding and finance, and state, regional, and local coordination.
6. Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (Invited)
The Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GPHCC) is a not-for-profit organization devoted to promoting the advancement and economic growth of Hispanic businesses and professionals in the greater Philadelphia region. Jennifer Rodríguez, MCP, President & CEO, will discuss GPHCC’s broad range of educational programs, member services, and special events.
7. Two-minute Reports
Task Force and Subcommittee chairs and Task Force members and friends are invited to offer updates on the activities of their companies and agencies.
8. Old or New Business/Adjournment
Old or new items of business will be considered. The remaining 2018 meeting dates of the Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force are: July 11 (Downtown Delivery Symposium) and October 10.