10:00 a.m., January 12, 2018
Coffee will be available at 9:30 A.M. and lunch will be served following the meeting.
Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA
For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance
1. Call to Order
Task Force members and friends will be welcomed and recognized. Highlights from the previous freight advisory committee meeting on October 11, 2017 will be offered for approval.
2. FHWA Freight Program Assessment
Ted Dahlburg will summarize DVRPC’s responses to the Freight Program Assessment requested by the FHWA New Jersey and Pennsylvania Division Offices. The MPO assessment covers 7 emphasis areas and must be completed every 2 years.
3. Truck Wayfinding in the City of Chester - Balancing Community and Business Needs
Freight movement is a driving force of the economy in the City of Chester. DVRPC Project Manager Al Beatty will highlight recommended strategies to facilitate the efficient movement of heavy trucks between local businesses and the regional roadway network, while minimizing potentially negative impacts on residents.
4. Planning for Growth at PhilaPort
Greg Iannarelli, PhilaPort Chief Counsel and Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force Co-Chair, will discuss the impacts of the anticipated growth at the Port of Philadelphia and present strategies and initiatives to address congestion.
5. Freight Center Spotlight: New Jersey Turnpike Interchange 6A
The Delaware Valley boasts an extraordinary array of 67 unique freight centers. John Ward, Amazon Operations Manager for the local ABE8 facility, will discuss critical factors and public-private partnerships invigorating the New Jersey Interchange 6A freight center in Florence Township, Burlington County, NJ.
6. Québec-Delaware Valley Trade Connections
Jean-Claude Lauzon, Delegate General, Québec Government Office in New York, will provide an overview of bilateral trade between Québec and the Delaware Valley, with a brief update on NAFTA. Mr. Lauzon’s responsibilities cover eight states in the Mid-Atlantic region and the newly opened trade office in Philadelphia.
7. Two-minute Reports
Task Force and Subcommittee chairs and Task Force members and friends are invited to offer updates on the activities of their companies and agencies.
8. Old or New Business/Adjournment
Old or new items of business will be considered. The remaining 2018 meeting dates of the Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force are: April 11, July 11, and October 10.