Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force

9:30 AM: Coffee, July 10, 2002

Watch Recording

10:00 AM: Call to Order

Commission Office
The Bourse Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Fourth Street Elevators

[1] Call to order
All Task Force members will be recognized and the April 10, 2002 meeting notes will be offered for the committee''s approval (see meeting highlights).

[2] FY 2003 CMAQ Competitive Program
Charles Dougherty of DVRPC will describe the upcoming CMAQ Program for transportation projects which improve air quality. Many freight projects are eligible for CMAQ funds, and the freight community will be encouraged to submit candidate projects.

[3] Delaware County Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing Study
Ted Dahlburg of DVRPC will provide a status report on a study examining highway-railroad grade crossings on a major CSX line which traverses Delaware County.

[4] "What If" Planning Scenarios
Jienki Synn of DVRPC will discuss a set of "What if" planning scenarios that are being examined as part of the preliminary efforts to prepare a 2030 long-range plan.

[5] Transportation Funding: What the Future Holds
Senator Roger A. Madigan, Chairman of the Pennsylvania State Senate Transportation Committee, will discuss funding issues such as the motor license fund and the reauthorization of TEA-21 which will impact future transportation projects.

[6] Intermodal Freight Video
The Federal Highway Administration has produced an educational video on how to best include freight in the transportation planning process.

[7] Two-minute Reports
Task Force and Subcommittee chairs and Task Force members will provide updates on the activities of their companies and agencies.

[8] Old/New Business
Old and new items of business will be considered. The tenth anniversary of the Goods Movement Task Force will be observed at the next meeting on October 9, 2002.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District