The DVRPC Board

10:00 a.m., April 25, 2019

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance




1.    Minutes of Meeting of March 28, 2019

2.   Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions   

  1. NJ18-065: Bus Acquisition Program (DB #T111), NJ TRANSIT
  2. PA19-50: Citywide Resurfacing 105 & 106 (MPMS #105488 & #108090), City of Philadelphia
  3. PA19-51: Henry Avenue Corridor Safety Improvements, Phase 1 & Phase 2  (MPMS #80104 & #102134), City of Philadelphia
  4. PA19-52: Easton Road Roundabout (MPMS #111024), Bucks County

3.    FY 2020 Work Program Amendment:Competitive Program and Project Management 

This amendment modifies the funding allocated to the existing FY2020 Competitive Program and Project Management, which becomes effective July 1, 2019, to allow for DVRPC to increase the staff working on PennDOT Program and Project Management activities.

4.     PA TMA Competitive Grant Program Recommended Awards

DVRPC issued a new TMA Competitive Grant Program for PA TMAs on November 1, 2018, with proposals due January 11, 2019.  The Review Committee met February 12 to evaluate the applications, and recommendations for funding will be presented.

5.     TMA Assistance and Mobility Alternative Program FY20 Work Programs

Staff will present revised FY20 Work Programs for the Pennsylvania TMA Assistance grant contractors, as well as revisions to the UCD TMA’s FY19 MAP Work Programs.

6.     Adoption of DVRPC’s Limited English Proficiency Plan 

DVRPC's Office of Communications & Engagement drafted a Limited English Proficiency Plan (or LEP Plan) for consideration by the Board for adoption. The draft Plan furthers DVRPC's commitment to upholding the principles and intentions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and related nondiscrimination regulations, and directly addresses Executive Order 13166, "Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency."  Staff will present proposed language access measures that aim to provide persons with limited English proficiency "meaningful access" to DVRPC's programs and activities.   

7. Appointment of Nominating Committee for Fiscal Year 2020 DVRPC Board Officers

A Nominating Committee will be selected to appoint candidates for Board Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer for Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020). The Chair for FY 2020 must be from New Jersey. The committee will report these candidates at the May Board Meeting and elections will take place at the June Board Meeting. 


8.     Future Forces 2050

As a first step toward the development on an updated Long-Range Plan, DVRPC staff has been working with a committee to identify potential future forces which could impact the Greater Philadelphia region. Staff will present the results of those discussions to date, and what those forces might mean for the future of our region.


9.  One Minute Reports

Board Members and Alternates are invited to provide updates on the activities of their counties/agencies.

10.   Executive Director's Report

  1. Southeast Pennsylvania Partnership for Mobility
  2. Electric Vehicle Summit
  3. CMAQ funding
  4. Office Lease renewal
  5. Staff D&I Initiative and HCTF training

11.  Committee Reports

(1) Regional Technical Committee

(2) Regional Aviation Committee

(3) Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force

(4) Transportation Operations Task Force



Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District