10:00 a.m., October 25, 2018
Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA
For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance
1. Minutes of Meeting of September 27, 2018
2. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Action
3. Project Selections for DVRPC’s PA Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program
DVRPC solicited applications for Round 2 of the PA Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program. Applications have been reviewed by the PA TIP Subcommittee and staff is seeking approval of the list of selected projects and to amend them into the FY2019 TIP for PA.
4. Fiscal Year 2019 Planning Work Program Amendments
a. Vehicle Classification Counts on Montgomery County-owned Bridges
Montgomery County has requested DVRPC perform vehicle classification counts on county owned bridges.
b. PennDOT District 6 Modeling Assistance
This work program amendment increases the funding of the existing project to provide for a second new staff member dedicated to traffic forecasting and modeling of District 6 traffic studies.
c. Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies
DVRPC has been awarded a $20,000 Cooperative Technical Partner Grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to develop and deliver outreach materials for engaging municipal and county officials in Montgomery County, PA, and Bucks County, PA, on municipal management in a changing climate, and more broadly on understanding and preparing for extreme weather hazards.
5. Mobility Alternatives Program (MAP) Funding and Work Program for new University City District (UCD)TMA
Staff will present a request to add a new Mobility Alternatives Program (MAP) Contractor in FY19. The University City District has established a TMA and has submitted a work program for TDM work in its service area.
6. Infrastructure (PM 2) and System Performance (PM 3) Transportation Performance Management Targets
Congress has established a performance-based planning and programming approach to investing in our nation's transportation infrastructure. PM 2 performance measures include highway pavement and bridge asset condition. PM 3 measures include system performance, freight, and CMAQ performance measures. DVRPC has previously adopted state DOT targets for the CMAQ performance measures. Staff will provide an overview of the target-setting process and ask for a recommendation to adopt targets for the PM 2 performance measures, and the PM 3 performance measures that were not previously adopted.
7. Preparing for the 2020 Census
Efforts leading up to the 2020 Census are in full swing. Partnership Specialists from our Regional Census Centers will provide a high-level overview of the plan for the 2020 Census and its related programs. They will also point out potentially hard-to-count areas of our region and advise you how to achieve a more accurate count in your communities.
8. One Minute Reports
Board Members and Alternates are invited to provide updates on the activities of their counties/agencies.
9. Executive Director's Report
- FY2020 Work Program development
Board Retreat follow-up
Certification Review
PA Planning Partners
NARC Conference
10. Committee Reports
(1) Regional Technical Committee
(2) Regional Safety Task Force/Health Communities Task Force
(3) Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force
(4) Transportation Operations Task Force
(5) Public Participation Task Force