The DVRPC Board

10:00 a.m., June 28, 2018

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance






1. Minutes of Meeting of May 24, 2018


2. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions

  1. NJ18-030:  NJ TRANSIT River LINE Tier 4 Engine Retrofit Project, (DB #T701), Various Counties
  2. PA17-93:  SEPTA Bus Purchase Program, (MPMS #90512), Various Counties
  3. PA17-94:  City of Philadelphia Act 13 Bridge:  Pine Road Bridge over SEPTA, (MPMS #17521), City of Philadelphia
  4. PA17-95:  PA 452, Market Street Bridge Over Northeast Corridor, (MPMS #15406), Delaware County
  5. PA17-96:  Route 1 Improvement Frontage Corridor (Section RC3), (MPMS #93446), Bucks County 
  6. PA17-97: Cherokee Street Bridge over Valley Green Road, (MPMS #111515), City of Philadelphia

3. TCDI Project Selection

DVRPC solicited applications for the FY 201​9 Transportation and Community Development Initiative (TCDI) grant program in March 201​8. Staff will present the application and review process and recommend projects for funding.

4. Adoption of Conformity Determination of the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan and FY 2019 TIP for Pennsylvania

DVRPC is demonstrating conformity for the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan (Plan) and the FY 2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania. This demonstration is necessitated by a new FY 2019 TIP for Pennsylvania. A public comment period was held from May 10, 2018 to June 11, 2018. A public meeting was held on May 24, 2018. Staff will present the results of the Transportation Conformity Determination and request that the DVRPC Board adopt the conformity findings.

5. Adoption of the DVRPC FY2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania

Federal law and planning regulations require the development of a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) in order for the metropolitan region to be eligible to receive and spend federal transportation funds.  The creation of the TIP is to be done by the MPO in cooperation with the state and transit operators, and must provide opportunity for input and comment by the public. A 30-day comment period must be conducted prior to a formal action to adopt the TIP.  For the Draft DVRPC FY2019 TIP for PA, staff will present an overview of the program, comments received during the public comment period, any recommended changes, an update to the MOU for Procedures on Amending and Modifying the TIP, and will ask the Board to approve final adoption.

6. Annual Self Certification of Regional Transportation Planning Process  

Federal regulations require that Metropolitan Planning Organizations self- certify that the Regional Transportation Planning Process is carried out in conformance with applicable federal regulations. Staff will request Board approval.

7. Election of Fiscal Year 2019 Board Officers

Elections will take place for the Fiscal Year 2019 DVRPC Board Officers, based on the recommendations from the Nominating Committee.  At this time nominations may also be taken from the floor.


8. Planning for Healthy Communities

DVRPC first convened the Healthy Communities Task Force in 2014 to bring together public health, planning and related professionals in the Greater Philadelphia region. Healthy communities planning recognizes that the way we design and build our communities can affect our physical and mental health. Staff will provide an update on the Task Force’s activities and findings to date.


9. One Minute Reports

Board Members and Alternates are invited to provide updates on the activities of their counties/agencies.

10. Executive Director's Report

  1. Southeast Partnership for Mobility
  2. Mid-Atlantic Roundtable
  3. Eastern PA Freight Summit
  4. FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation
  5. TCDI Press Event
  6. Future Forces: Smart Cities Event
  7. FY2020 Work Program
  8. Board Retreat
  9. Certification Review

11.  Committee Reports

  1. Regional Technical Committee
  2. Regional Safety Task Force
  3. Information Resources Exchange Group
  4. Transportation Operations Task Force




Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District