The DVRPC Board

10:00 a.m., April 23, 2020

Virtual Meeting

Call in number: 1-346-248-7799
Meeting ID: 779 551 125 Password: 716566




1.  Minutes of Meeting of March 26, 2020

2. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions

a.    PA19-120: Oxford Valley Road/Lincoln Highway Intersection Improvements (MPMS #13635), Bucks County 

b.    PA19-121: ADA Ramps 2020 Philadelphia (MPMS #12886), City of Philadelphia

3.   FY21 MAP and TMA Assistance Budget Approval

Staff will present the budgets for the TMA Assistance and Mobility Alternatives Program (MAP) FY21 Work Programs for targeted TDM work in southeastern Pennsylvania. 

4.   Request to Open a Public Comment Period for the Draft FY 2021  Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania; amendments to the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan (LRP); and the Draft Conformity Finding of the LRP and TIP

Staff requests authorization to open a public comment period for the purpose of gathering public and agency comments on the Draft FY 2021 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania, amendments to the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan (LRP), and the Draft Conformity Determination of the Connections 2045 LRP, FY 2020 TIP for New Jersey, and the Draft FY 2021 TIP for Pennsylvania, as well as to issue proper public notifications; to publish the draft documents of the Long-Range Plan Amendments, PA TIP, and Conformity Findings on the internet; to make copies available at certain public libraries; and to hold public meetings.

5.   Appointment of Nominating Committee for Fiscal Year 2021 DVRPC Board Officers

A Nominating Committee will be selected to appoint candidates for Board Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer for Fiscal Year 2021 (July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021). The Chair for FY 2021 must be from Pennsylvania. The committee will report these candidates at the May Board Meeting and elections will take place at the June Board Meeting.


6.   Gateway and its Impacts on Greater Philadelphia

A single two-track tunnel provides the only rail link between New Jersey and New York City, serving both NJTransit and Amtrak. Fixing this tunnel and expanding capacity is essential for train travel along the Northeast Corridor. Brian Fritsch, Manager of Advocacy Campaigns for Regional Plan Association, will provide an update on the Gateway Program, share analysis from their report A Preventable Crisis, and discuss potential implications for the Greater Philadelphia region.


7.   One Minute Reports

Board Members and Alternates are invited to provide updates on the activities of their counties/agencies.

8.   Executive Director's Report

a. TCDI Program

b. NJ CMAQ Funding

c. Regional Trail Counts

d. Resources for Retail Districts

e. Transition of RideECO Program

f.  RFP for Transportation Funding Options in SEPA

9.   Committee Reports

(1) Regional Technical Committee

(2) Public Participation Task Force

(3) Regional Safety Task Force



Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District