The DVRPC Board

10:00 a.m., January 24, 2019

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance




1.    Minutes of Meeting of December 5, 2018

2.   Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions

  1. PA19-16:  Roosevelt Boulevard over Wayne Junction (WAV) (Bridge) (MPMS #83736), City of Philadelphia
  2. PA19-17:  I-76 Bridge Repair Section SRE (MPMS #107698), City of Philadelphia
  3. PA19-18:  RTMC General Contract (MPMS #110494), RTMC Plumbing Contract (MPMS #110496), RTMC Electrical Contract (MPMS #110497), RTMC HVAC Contract (MPMS #110498), Montgomery County
  4.  PA19-19:  PA 563 at Pennridge Airport Business Park (MPMS #111758), Bucks County
  5.  PA19-20:  Orvis Road Alignment (MPMS #111176), Chester County
  6.  PA19-21:  I-95, PA Turnpike Interchange (TPK)  – Section D20 (MPMS #95444), Bucks County
  7.  PA19-22:  Marshall Road Corridor Safety Improvements (MPMS #110965), Delaware County
  8.  PA19-23:  I-95: Allegheny Avenue Interchange Advance Contract (AF1) (MPMS #79911), City of Philadelphia
  9.  NJ18-066: Local Safety / High Risk Rural Roads Program (DB #04314),   DVRPC, Various Counties

3.        FY 2019 Work Program Amendments                                

            a. US 1 Sections RC2 and RC3 Traffic Forecasts

PennDOT has requested DVRPC to prepare daily and peak hour traffic forecasts for sections of US 1 (Lincoln Highway) Bucks County for No-Build and Build alternatives. These forecasts will be used for an alternatives analysis for two new full access interchanges at PA 413 and Fairhill/Highland Avenue along with the removal of the US 1 frontage roads in this area.

            b. KOP FEIS Ridership Forecasts

SEPTA is preparing a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed creation of an Norristown High-Speed Line spur to serve the King of Prussia Mall and Moore Park to the northwest, with a terminus adjacent to the Valley Forge Resort and Casino.  Daily and time period ridership forecasts and other data for the rail extension and modified bus routes are needed to complete the FEIS.

4.        Highway Safety and Transit Assets Transportation Performance Management (TPM)Targets

As part of the TPM process mandated by the FAST Act, DVRPC must either develop regional performance measure targets or agree to support the targets adopted by the state DOTs and transit operators. Staff will discuss this process, as well as ask for a recommendation for the Board to support the PennDOT and NJDOT Highway Safety targets and the Tier 1 transit agencies' Transit Assets targets.  

5.       Reaffirmation of the Conformity Determination of the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan, FY 2018 TIP for New Jersey, and FY 2019 TIP for Pennsylvania

On August 3, 2018, the DVRPC planning region was designated as a nonattainment area for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The Clean Air Act requires that nonattainment areas must demonstrate transportation conformity to a newly enacted air quality standard within one-year of the effective date of the nonattainment area designations. DVRPC intends to meet this requirement by reaffirming the previous conformity analyses of the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan and TIPs for New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Staff will request that the RTC recommend that the DVRPC Board approve the Conformity Reaffirmation document for submission to the US Department of Transportation.

6.        FY20 UPWP Adoption and TIP modifications

At their December 5, 2018 meeting, the DVRPC Board authorized release of the Draft FY20 Planning Work Program for distribution and review, with the public comment period scheduled to run from December 6, 2018 to January7, 2019. DVRPC staff is in the process of receiving and responding to comments and are working to resolve any open issues. Staff will present comments received so far and the responses prepared to address those comments. The RTC is being asked to recommend that the Board adopt the Final FY20 Planning Work Program, pending the resolution of any outstanding comments and issues. To support certain projects that the Board has selected for the DVRPC FY20 UPWP, the attached TIP Actions will need to be made to the FY18 TIP for New Jersey and the FY19 TIP for Pennsylvania.

7.      2018 Transportation Safety Analysis and Plan

The Office of Safe Streets just released the 2018 update of the region's Transportation Safety Analysis and Plan, the fifth iteration since 2006. The TSAP, produced in concert with DVRPC's Regional Safety Task Force, analyzes the most recently available crash data for the  region to inform planners and roadway owners about the 13 emphasis areas that collectively contribute to 98 percent of the killed and serious injury (KSI) crashes that occur each year. The plan recommends strategies to improve safety in each emphasis area.


8.      Status on PennDOT  Interstate Management Program  

Melissa Batula, Chief of the PennDOT Highway Delivery Division, Bureau of Project Delivery, will provide an update from the Interstate Steering Committee on the current conditions and needs of the state-wide Interstate System and PennDOT’s efforts to-date.


9.  One Minute Reports

Board Members and Alternates are invited to provide updates on the activities of their counties/agencies.

10.   Executive Director's Report

  1. 2045 Plan videos and website
  2. FY18 Annual Report
  3. Draft Certification Review report and findings
  4. Futures Group meeting
  5. Future of Transportation event
  6. New Releases

10.  Committee Reports

(1) Regional Technical Committee

(2) Regional Safety Task Force (3) Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force

(3) Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force

(4) Information Resources Exchange Group

(5) Public Participation Task Force

(6) Regional Aviation Committee

(7) Central Jersey Transportation Forum



Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District