10:00 a.m., December 5, 2018
Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA
For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance
1. Minutes of Meeting of October 25, 2018
2. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions
- PA19-04: Allens Lane Bridge over SEPTA Rail Line (MPMS# 48193), City of Philadelphia
- PA19-05: PA 252 over Crum Creek (MPMS# 90128), Delaware County
- PA19-06: Darby-Paoli Road Bridges (2) Over Little Darby Creek and Wigwam Run (MPMS# 14891), Delaware County
- PA19-07: Stormwater Management and Wetland Site Repair (MPMS# 111513), Chester County
- PA19-08: ADA Ramp Study (Suburban Counties) (MPMS# 110407), Various Counties
- PA19-09: 2017 Green Light-Go Projects (Various MPMS #s), Various Counties
- PA19-10: Edge Hill Road Reconstruction (MPMS# 57865), Montgomery County
- PA19-11: SEPTA Bus Purchase Program (MPMS# 90512), SEPTA
3. Fiscal Year 2019 Planning Work Program Amendment
Pennsylvania Coastal Resiliency
In Year Three of a multi-year project, DVRPC will continue to work with municipalities in the Delaware Estuary Coastal Zone to build capacity in assessing climate vulnerability and planning for climate adaptation and resiliency. We will develop and promote an interactive, web-based story map that includes current and future vulnerabilities, current and future flood hazard zones, and adaptive steps that could be taken to reduce flooding and coastal hazard risks.
4. Request to Open Public Comment Period for the Re-affirmation of the Conformity Determination of the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan, FY 2018 TIP for New Jersey, and FY 2019 TIP for Pennsylvania
On August 3, 2018, the DVRPC planning region was designated as a nonattainment area for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The Clean Air Act requires that nonattainment areas must demonstrate transportation conformity to a newly enacted air quality standard within one-year of the effective date of the nonattainment area designations. DVRPC intends to meet this requirement by re-affirming the previous conformity analyses of the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan and TIPs for New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Staff will request that the Board approve the release of the Conformity reaffirmation document for a 30-day public comment period ending in January 2019.
5. FY2018 DVRPC Competitive CMAQ Program for New Jersey Recommended Projects
Staff will present the recommended list of projects for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) funding through the FY2018 Competitive CMAQ Program for New Jersey. In order to be eligible for CMAQ funding, projects must contribute to the improvement of regional air quality or reduce traffic congestion. This list represents a diverse set of project types throughout the DVRPC New Jersey region. The projects were selected through an open solicitation and selection process and will be added to the FY2018 NJ TIP (Transportation Improvement Program).
6. Release of Draft FY2020 DVRPC Unified Planning Work Program for Review and Comment
Authorization is being sought to distribute for review and comment the Draft Fiscal Year 2020 Planning Work Program.
7. Community Impacts of Multifamily Development
Despite growing demand for multifamily rental housing, proposals to build new apartments often face community and/or political resistance based on concerns related to traffic, fiscal, or other community impacts. DVRPC’s Office of Smart Growth is currently investigating a variety of issues related to multifamily development in order to help our planning partners better evaluate individual development proposals and broader land use regulations . This presentation will highlight recent multifamily development trends and new research on multifamily households and travel behavior.
8. One Minute Reports
Board Members and Alternates are invited to provide updates on the activities of their counties/agencies.
9. Executive Director's Report
- Meeting with NJDOT Commissioner
- Major Metros Roundtable
- Trail Funding Opportunity
- Climate Adaptation Forum
- Futures Group meeting
- Regional Safety Task Force
- New Releases
10. Committee Reports
(1) Regional Technical Committee
(2) Public Participation Task Force