10:00 a.m., May 24, 2018
Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA
For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance
1. Minutes of Meeting of April 26, 2018
2. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions
- NJ16-021: Route 47, Bridge over Route 295, (DB #15310), Gloucester County
- PA17-89: Approval of Additional Automated Red-Light Enforcement (ARLE) Round 6 (2016 Funding) Projects, (Various MPMS #s), Various Counties
- PA17-90: City ADA Ramps Project, (MPMS #96109), City of Philadelphia – Low Bid Construction Cost Decrease
- PA17-91: Frankford Avenue Study, (MPMS #111067), City of Philadelphia
3. Fiscal Year 2019 Planning Work Program Amendment
Regional Streetlight Procurement Program Seed Fund
The Regional Streetlight Procurement Program (RSLPP) seed funding will provide DVRPC with the upfront cost associated with hiring legal, contracting, and technical advisors to serve the Regional Streetlight Procurement Program. DVRPC expects to serve at least 15 additional municipalities in the conversion of street lighting systems to LED through this second round of the RSLPP.
4. CMAQ Congestion Performance Measure Targets
Congress has established a performance-based planning and programming approach to investing in our nation's transportation infrastructure. There are two CMAQ Congestion performance measures, annual peak hour excessive delay (PHED) and percentage non-SOV travel, that apply to urbanized areas of over one million that are also air quality nonattainment areas. The DVRPC region is part of both the Philadelphia and New York urbanized areas and multiple States and MPOs have been collaborating to set a single target in each of these urbanized areas. Staff will provide an overview of the target-setting process and ask for a recommendation to adopt targets for each of these measures and urbanized areas.
5. Nominating Committee Report: Proposed Candidates for Fiscal Year 2019 DVRPC Board Officers
The Nominating Committee will report their recommended slate of officers to serve on the DVRPC Board for Fiscal Year 2019 (July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019). Nominations may also be made from the floor. Elections will take place at the regular June Board Meeting.
6. Modern Trolley Station Design Guide
Staff will present their work assisting SEPTA, the City of Philadelphia and Delaware County in preparing for SEPTA's future trolley vehicle replacement ("trolley modernization"), including the recently completed Modern Trolley Station Design Guide. The Guide provides practitioners with guidance on the design parameters needed for modern trolley stations.
7. One Minute Reports
Board Members and Alternates are invited to provide updates on the activities of their counties/agencies.
8. Executive Director's Report
- Economic Development District application
- Circuit Status report
- Future Cities: Penn Wood Middle School
- Air Quality Partnership – Anti-Idling Program
- Traffic Incident Management Conference
- PA TIP and Air Conformity Public Meeting
- Mid-Atlantic Roundtable
- Eastern PA Freight Summit
- Board Retreat
- Certification Review
- Diversity and Inclusion at DVRPC
- New Releases
9. Committee Reports
(1) Regional Technical Committee
(2) Central Jersey Transportation Forum
(3) Healthy Communities Task Force