10:00 a.m., April 26, 2018
Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA
For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance
1. Minutes of Meeting of March 22, 2018
2. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions
b. PA17-83: PA 252 Bridge over Springton Reservoir, (MPMS #90128), Delaware County
c. PA17-84: Ardmore Transportation Center, (MPMS #73214), Montgomery County
d. NJ18-018: Paratransit Vehicles (Various DB #s), Various Counties
3. DVRPC Regional Trails Program Pennsylvania Grant Awards
DVRPC staff will present five projects for Regional Trails Program grant awards. These projects will contribute to advancing key segments of the Circuit Trails in Pennsylvania.
4. Authorization to Open a Public Comment Period for the Draft FY 2019 TIP for Pennsylvania; and the Draft Conformity Finding of the FY 2019 PA TIP
Staff requests authorization to open a minimum 30-day public comment period for the purpose of gathering public and agency comments on the Draft FY 2019-2022 TIP for Pennsylvania, and the Draft Conformity Determination of the FY 2019 TIP for Pennsylvania; to issue proper public notifications; to publish the draft documents of the TIP and conformity findings on the internet; to make copies available at certain public libraries; and to hold public meetings.
5. Economic Development District Application Request
To increase regional economic development planning, staff would like to prepare a formal application to US EDA to become the federally-designated Economic Development District for the 9-county, bi state DVRPC region. DVRPC meets the prerequisites, which include that an applicant must have an EDA-approved CEDS, at least one geographical area within the proposed designated service boundaries that meets EDA’s regional distress criteria, or the area has a “special need.” Staff will present the benefits of the designation and application process.
6. Appointment of Nominating Committee for Fiscal Year 2019 DVRPC Board Officers
A Nominating Committee will be selected to appoint candidates for Board Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer for Fiscal Year 2019 (July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019). The Chair for FY 2019 must be from Pennsylvania. The committee will report these candidates at the May Board Meeting and elections will take place at the June Board Meeting.
7. Update to DVRPC's Equity Analysis
Since 2001, the Indicators of Potential Disadvantage (IPD) has served as DVRPC's analysis tool for meeting Title VI requirements and Environmental Justice (EJ) recommendations. Staff has reevaluated the tool to provide a meaningful update to the methodology, indicators, data analysis, and equity resources of the IPD.
8. WAWA’s Welcome America Festival
Wawa Welcome America is a regional, multi-day festival with FREE multicultural, multigenerational events celebrating our nation's history, our region's historic places, and our shared heritage. The attendees primarily come from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The free festival brings diverse communities together to build civic pride and encourage activities through events in public spaces, free concerts at historic sites, free museum days, and community driven events in neighborhoods. All events are completely free events making participation equitable to all.
9. One Minute Reports
Board Members and Alternates are invited to provide updates on the activities of their counties/agencies.
10. Executive Director's Report
a. DVRPC and Staff Awards
b. Breaking Ground conference
c. Reviving Vine Open House
d. Regional Community and Economic Development Forum
e. Traffic Incident Management Conference
f. Bike to Work Day
g. New Releases
11. Committee Reports
(1) Regional Technical Committee
(2) Regional Safety Task Force
(3) Information Resources Exchange Group
(4) Public Participation Task Force
(5) Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force