The DVRPC Board

10:00 a.m., December 6, 2017

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance






1. Minutes of Meeting of October 26, 2017


2. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions

  1. PA17-62: King Road Bridge over Herkaken Creek (County Bridge #54), (MPMS #110091), Bucks County
  2. PA17-63: Masonry Stone Arch Bridges – Group T, (MPMS #104794), Various Counties
  3. PA17-64: Comprehensive ATMS of I-76 Parallel Arterial Corridors Design Support Agreements (Green Light-Go), (MPMS #109843 & #109844), City of Philadelphia & Montgomery County
  4. PA17-65: District 6 TSMO Support Contract (Green Light-Go), (MPMS# 109842), Various Counties
  5. PA17-66: I-76, Regional Travel Information, (MPMS #80093), Various Counties
  6. PA17-67: US 202, Township Line Road to Morris Road (61N), (MPMS #63490), Montgomery County
  7. PA17-68: Bridge Replacement Brownsville Road, (MPMS #78516), Bucks County

3. Fiscal Year 2018 Planning Work Program Amendments

a. Completing the Circuit Trails

DVRPC staff will present a FY2018 work program amendment entitled Completing the Circuit Trails. This will be a 3-year grant program supported by $6.6MM in funding from the William Penn Foundation to plan, design and construct unfinished segments of the 800-mile Circuit Trails network

b. Delaware River Watershed Initiative Data/GIS Work Group

This Work Program Amendment will allow DVRPC staff to convene a Data/GIS/Modeling group to prioritize data needs, share knowledge, expand capacity and collaborate to provide technical mapping, modeling, and spatial analyst assistance to support the Delaware River Watershed Initiative (DRWI). This work will be funded by a grant from the William Penn Foundation in the amount of $275,000 over a 24-month period.

4. Release of Draft FY2019 DVRPC Unified Planning Work Program for Review and Comment

Authorization is being sought to distribute for review and comment the Draft Fiscal Year 2019 Planning Work Program.


5. Chester County Landscapes 3 Comprehensive Plan

As part of its comprehensive plan update, Chester County has worked with stakeholder groups to identify current trends and issues and conducted extensive public outreach using social media, interactive surveys, and videos.  This presentation will provide a summary of key issues raised and an overview of public outreach so far.

6. Municipal Actions to Protect and Improve Water Quality 

DVRPC staff recently completed a two-year stakeholder research project funded by the William Penn Foundation. Working with an advisory panel, staff prioritized actions municipalities can take and identified potential strategies to improve, protect and manage water quality in the Delaware River watershed. Staff will present highlights. 


7. One Minute Reports

Board Members and Alternates are invited to provide updates on the activities of their counties/agencies.

8. Executive Director's Report

  1. Performance Measures Workshop
  2. TCDI and Livable Communities Summit
  3. WTS Award
  4. Non-Profit Subsidiaries
  5. Breaking Ground Conference
  6. New Releases
  7. Staff Transitions

9. Committee Reports

  1. Regional Technical Committee




Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District