FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-52-070 - PA TDM Base Program Administration and Commuter Services (TripSmart PA)

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:Stacy Bartels
Project Manager(s):Amy Bernknopf
Supports LRP Goals:


To manage the work of the seven SE PA TMAs and two contractors that work with employers to educate about and help implement commute alternatives programs for employees and with residents to educate them about alternative travel options available to them for different types of trips; this work is done to reduce the use of single-occupancy vehicles (SOV) in the region. The programs include educational offerings, promotional materials, and relevant services and programming within specific service areas through the tasks listed below, ultimately serving to help reduce traffic congestion and improve accessibility to a variety of safe and affordable modes of travel in the region.


This program was renamed TripSmart PA, as it replaces the former Mobility Alternatives Program (MAP). TripSmart allows for a broader education and outreach effort beyond just commuters. The Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) and other related partners in southeastern Pennsylvania have helped promote Transportation Demand Management (TDM) options and programs for over two decades, in the form of two grants funded by PennDOT – the TMA Assistance Grant (one available to all TMAs in PA), and the Mobility Alternatives Program (MAP) grant (available only in SE PA). For FY2023, DVRPC and PennDOT developed a new TDM grant program that combines these two “legacy” grants into one new “base” TDM grant for each organization previously funded through one or both of the legacy grants; this work program carries that structure into FY25. Each organization was awarded a given amount of funding to perform standard TDM-related activities like education and outreach on TDM options, implementing TDM strategies, and the advantages for employers, employees and residents to regularly use these strategies or options. DVRPC will contract with and oversee the work program development and approval for each sub-recipient receiving these grants, and work with their respective county planning department(s) in addition to PennDOT (Central Office and District 6) and FHWA, in this development, as well as in tracking progress and results from their efforts.

This program supports DVRPC staff activities for planning, marketing, procurement, as well as funding to lease software for and manage the regional Share-A-Ride (SAR) ride match and the Emergency Ride Home (ERH) programs. This program also covers the development of necessary materials, planning and purchasing media schedules through a contracted vendor, and tools to help contractors promote TDM with a unified message and look, in the SE PA region. Additionally this year, staff has been tasked with conducting research on AQ programs in other regions - how they are funded, whether they include free or reduced transit fares on Code Red (and higher) days - and how the free fare days programs are structured.

This program is part of the larger coordinated regional TDM effort that includes the Travel Options Program (TOP) competitive grant program. Completion of this work may require the purchase of equipment or services.


  1. Work with TMAs/Contractors to develop Work Programs for Trip Smart PA TDM efforts.
  2. Convene the PA TMA Policy Subcommittee of the Regional TDM Advisory Committee at least twice/year.
  3. Ensure this work involves outreach to both employers and the general commuting public.
  4. Oversee TMA/Contractor TDM education and outreach efforts and development, and placement of relevant materials; encourage cooperative efforts whenever possible.
  5. Operation of the Share-A-Ride (SAR) ride match program, including annual soft
  6. A summary of AQ "free fare" programs in peer metropolitan areas (to evaluate the potential for implementing a similar program in the DVRPC service area).
  7. Review and payment of monthly or quarterly invoices and reports for each of nine sub-recipients.


  1. Contractor Work Programs.
  2. Regional outreach and advertising plans and materials.
  3. SAR software lease and updates; ERH program administration (including processing reimbursements for approved use).
  4. Contracts for/with each organization.
  5. Bi-annual activity summaries and year-end report.
  6. A memorandum or short report/presentation summarizing findings on peer region AQ "free fare" programs and recommendations for next steps as found appropriate.


Residents and employers within and/or commuters travelling within or into the SE PA region; municipalities, counties or combination thereof; related county planning commissions/departments; PennDOT.

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther

FY2025 Other Funding Details:

PA TIP - MPMS # 117930 - $325,000 STU/Toll Credit

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District