FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-34-080 - Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:Jesse Buerk
Project Manager(s):Richard Murphy
Supports LRP Goals:


To improve access to and efficiency of the region's transportation network by developing a financially constrained, multi-modal, multi-year transportation capital program using a performance-based planning and programming process and securing the financial resources to implement the program as reflected in the TIP and the Long-Range Plan.


This project provides for transportation financial planning, project development, and capital programming for the DVRPC region. Staff will work with state, regional, and federal planning partners to identify financial resources available from public and private sources to implement the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as well as the Long-Range Plan. DVRPC will also develop and maintain a regional DVRPC TIP for both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as mandated by federal and state regulations, and will post information related to both processes on the DVRPC website. This project supports negotiations to ensure that the region receives adequate financial resources, and to identify and select transportation projects that address the needs of the region and advance the goals of the Long-Range Plan in accordance with federal Transportation Performance Management requirements and targets.

The TIP selection process is ultimately based on consensus, but performance-based measures have been incorporated into benefit criteria which will proactively position the region to address requirements of federal transportation authorizations and further link to goals of the Long-Range Plan. Universal project benefit criteria are used to evaluate new project proposals of various modes and project types (roadway, transit, bike, pedestrian, freight), and are used in Pennsylvania and New Jersey counties in the DVRPC region. The following factors are currently considered in determining benefits of project proposals: Transportation (Safety, Facility/Asset Condition), Communities (Centers and Form, Equity Benefits and Burdens), Environmental (Impervious Surface Coverage, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Air Quality), and Economic (Connectivity, Reliability, Congestion Management, and Truck Volumes). Program development occurs through a TIP subcommittee comprised of regional stakeholders who consider schedules and costs of existing projects, as well as potential for new projects, all constrained by the level of funding available. All project costs and schedules are updated by DOT Project Managers or Project Sponsors, as appropriate. A series of subcommittee meetings are held to further review costs and schedules, vet concerns, and negotiate. A constrained draft program is released for a 30-day public comment period prior to presenting to the DVRPC Board for adoption.

DVRPC will undertake an extensive public participation program that responds to the requirements of federal transportation legislation and environmental justice concerns as it relates to this project. Coordination with DOTs' program and project development, and delivery activities, including PennDOT Connects in Pennsylvania, and Concept Development in New Jersey, will also occur. Staff will continue to investigate innovative financing techniques and emerging federal regulations and state policies, particularly as they pertain to funding and capital programming. For more information, see: http://www.dvrpc.org/tip

Completion of this program may require the purchase of equipment or services.


  1. Participate in development of statewide financial guidance with NJDOT, PennDOT, and the federal agencies (FTA and FHWA), as appropriate.
  2. Conduct negotiations with the state DOTs and transit operators on behalf of the region to arrange for funding of the projects in the TIP.
  3. During the TIP update cycle, revise costs, schedules, and descriptions of carryover projects from the previous TIP; coordinate program development and project development and delivery activities, including PennDOT Connects, and NJ Local Concept Development project development processes; work with DOTs to analyze, maintain, and incorporate bridge and pavement asset management data in project selection processes; evaluate new project proposals using the Plan-TIP Benefit Evaluation Criteria and assist the RTC in prioritizing new projects; and perform an equity analysis on the program.
  4. Participate in PennDOT Connects project development activities and in NJDOT Capital Program Committee project reviews, and coordinate as needed including external partners and internal Subject Matter Experts.
  5. Undertake an extensive public participation program to solicit comments and input from the general public on the TIP and to provide public education opportunities in various forums. The public participation component will respond to the requirements of the current transportation legislation and Environmental Justice/Title VI concerns.
  6. Provide opportunities for public comment on the capital program and prepare a summary of public comments and agency responses for Board consideration prior to adoption of the TIP.
  7. According to constraints of financial guidance and in consultation with the counties/cities, DOTs, transit operators, and the RTC, develop a draft TIP (in printed and electronic form), prepare an administrative version (in printed and electronic form as needed) of the TIP (following Board adoption) with supporting documentation for submission to state DOTs to be included in the STIP for transmittal to the federal agencies, and prepare a final document for general use (in printed and electronic form).
  8. Prepare financial summaries for each TIP (Pennsylvania and New Jersey); monitor actual funding of these programs; maintain project data; monitor projects; and provide periodic reports and summaries to DVRPC committees and Board.
  9. Maintain the current TIP and assist states, counties, and transit operators with funding changes for TIP actions to maintain fiscal constraint. Review, evaluate, and process requests for TIP amendments and modifications according to procedures in the Memorandums Of Understanding for Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Periodically review and revise the MOUs in conjunction with the state DOTs and FHWA/FTA.
  10. Update and maintain the TIP database and post information on the DVRPC website.
  11. Coordinate with DOTs in development and integration of Transportation Performance Management (TPM) performance measures and Performance-Based Planning and Programming activities.
  12. Assist in developing financial estimates for the financial plan element of the Long-Range Plan, when appropriate.
  13. Participate in special project solicitations (e.g., Carbon Reduction Program, CMAQ, HSIP, Local Bridges, Local Concept Development), including consideration of federal performance measure targets and equity considerations.
  14. Investigate and explain to the Board, its committees and the public, the laws and regulations related to federal funding programs and planning requirements, as well as state funding programs. 
  15. Research and share information pertaining to new federal competitive and formula funding programs. 
  16. Provide support letters and technical assistance to member governments applying for federal competitive grant programs.
  17. Assist with planning/implementation efforts for new federal programs including Carbon, PROTECT, and NEVI funding. 
  18. Research innovative funding techniques and assess for local applicability. 
  19. Make presentations to committees and public groups and respond to public questions.
  20. Update and maintain IIJA webpage.


  1. Financial plans for the TIP.
  2. Financial Summary Reports.
  3. Project Development Screening Forms and planning support documentation.
  4. Evaluations regarding Performance-Based Planning and Programming and Equity Analyses.
  5. Regional Transportation Improvement Programs (NJ and PA).
  6. Monthly amendments and modifications to the TIP.
  7. Periodic status reports.
  8. News Releases and Public Information documents.
  9. Support letters.
  10. Research on new funding sources.


State and federal agencies, operator agencies, member governments, and the public.

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther
Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District