FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-34-070 - Socioeconomic and Land Use Analytics (SLUA)

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:Jaclyn Davis
Project Manager(s):Brett Fusco, Gregory Diebold, Ian Schwarzenberg
Supports LRP Goals:


Bolster agency research and analysis in demographics, economics, real estate development, transportation, equity, and other areas, using observed data and predictive models. Perform key analytical functions for the long-range plan including development of indicators, socioeconomic and land use forecasts, and scenario modeling. Reflect and advance industry best practices in use of data resources while right-sizing efforts with agency capacity and priorities in mind.


The Socioeconomic and Land Use Analytics (SLUA) program area includes new and ongoing data analysis in support of the long-range plan. DVRPC strives to deliver value to the region's land use, environment, economic development, equity, and transportation network by: collecting and assessing data, identifying its importance and relevance, and disseminating the results of that research through reports, web applications, presentations, and other means. The SLUA program develops, maintains, and applies tools to forecast regional population and employment. This program area also supports the Office of Long-Range Planning’s scenario planning efforts, and the use of indicators to track progress on the Vision and goals set in the region’s long-range plan.

Research and analysis will be based on data available through multiple sources. Publicly available sources from federal statistical agencies (including the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis) will provide key information. The program area will monitor developments of data policies at these agencies that may impact analysis for DVRPC and its partners. Proprietary sources of data for program analysis may be acquired by purchase or subscription such as the National Establishments Time Series (NETS) employment database, the CoStar commercial real estate database, or macroeconomic forecasts. Other data sources may be developed in-house or in collaboration with partners, such as DVRPC’s five-year aerial photography-based land use data, real estate development pipeline data, and other sources. The program enhances knowledge of available sources and their appropriate uses at DVRPC.

The SLUA program assists with and complements related agency efforts of the Planning Innovation Team, Information Technology, and other agency staff in the areas of data development, management, and dissemination, advising on DVRPC data efforts and policies as appropriate. It also coordinates with Travel Trends and Forecasting staff on model development (e.g. Vision Eval, UrbanSim, Impacts, ITHM) as necessary, including data needs for DVRPC’s activity-based transportation demand model.

Completion of this project may require the purchase of equipment or services.


  1. Conduct regional population and employment forecasts for every five years through 2050 at county, municipal, and traffic analysis zone (TAZ) levels. Update and develop population and employment forecast datasets, online tools, and documentation.
  2. Coordinate with the Office of Community & Economic Development on the development of a mapping of Development Intensity Zones (DIZ) forecasted for the year 2050, if data is available.
  3. Coordinate with the Office of Planning Innovation to funnel data requests to appropriate web and staff resources.
  4. Host meetings of and coordinate with the Socioeconomic and Land Use Analytics Committee (SLUAC) on model components such as demographic and employment statistics.
  5. Respond to socioeconomic and other data requests from planning partners, media, and public.
  6. Monitor developments and policy changes at statistical and planning partner agencies; and participate in collaborative efforts of peer agencies and partners.
  7. Assist with documentation of the long-range plan as well as responses to public comments received on the draft publication.
  8. Develop a strategy for updating the Tracking Progress Indicator Dashboard that aligns with the new board-adopted Plan and incorporates updated Transportation Performance Management (TPM) measures.


  1. 2050 Population and Employment Forecasts.
  2. Land Use 2020 and 2023 Inventory Analytical Data Report (ADR)
  3. 2050 Development Intensity Zones (DIZ)


State, county, and municipal levels of government; transportation agencies and transit operators; and businesses and residents of the region.

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther
Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District