FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-34-050 - Air Quality Planning

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:Sean Greene
Project Manager(s):Matthew Brahms, Stacy Bartels
Supports LRP Goals:


Improve air quality in the region through coordination of intra- and inter-regional policies, identification of funding opportunities to reduce emissions from transportation sources, public education and outreach, and demonstration of transportation conformity of the region’s Long-Range Plan and Transportation Improvement Programs.


DVPRC’s air quality program has three main components:

  1. Technical Analysis, which includes Transportation Conformity and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ) Performance Measures,
  2. Public Education and Outreach including the Air Quality Action program and speaking engagements and media outreach, and
  3. Air Quality Planning Coordination with regional stakeholders.

Technical Analysis
Federal requirements mandate that DVRPC must demonstrate the conformity of the region’s Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRP) and the Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) with state-designated air quality goals. A demonstration of conformity is also required when the Plan or TIPs amend a regionally significant project. This work will be consistent with the guidance released by the US EPA and US DOT. Federal acceptance of the conformity findings is necessary for transportation projects to be funded.

DVRPC will assist the state DOTs to implement the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) and Carbon Reduction (CR) programs. Staff will assist with project eligibility determinations, emissions analysis of proposed projects, and CMAQ and CR project selection. DVRPC will develop CMAQ performance measure reports for the region and coordinate the CMAQ Transportation Performance Management (TPM) process with the state DOTs and other regional stakeholders.

DVRPC will work with state and local governments to assist with identifying local sources of transportation emissions and assist in developing strategies to mitigate those emissions, especially in Environmental Justice communities and communities that show evidence of high incidence of respiratory illness.

Public Education and Outreach
DVRPC administers the Air Quality Action (AQA) program through the Air Quality Partnership. The AQA is used to inform the public, employers, and the media of anticipated poor air quality days. On these days, residents, especially commuters, are encouraged to voluntarily adopt emissions minimizing measures such as using transit, carpooling, conserving energy in the home, postponing driving, or refueling after the air quality episode has passed. The program reinforces elements of several other programs already in place, such as the Pennsylvania Transportation Demand Management (TDM) base program. The AQA program functions to reduce emissions on days when conditions are favorable for ozone and/or fine particulate matter formation. It also serves as an educational effort to make residents aware of air quality problems and the behavioral changes that can limit exposure and reduce emissions.

Air Quality Planning Coordination
DVRPC serves as a regional coordinator and participant in various air quality initiatives. The focus is on discussion, coordination, and progress on air quality issues with regional and federal air quality stakeholders. In addition, policies to improve transportation-related air quality outcomes will be considered. DVRPC will also coordinate with neighboring state ozone and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) nonattainment and maintenance areas. The Air Quality Planning project permits proactive participation in the air quality planning activities for the departments of transportation and environmental protection in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as well as the US EPA and US DOT, with contacts maintained with Delaware and Maryland agencies as well.

Communication and educational activities will be undertaken with the region's leadership to broaden the understanding of issues and policy recommendations. Staff will also participate in additional air quality related activities that promote the reduction of emissions in the nonattainment and maintenance areas. DVRPC works toward reducing regional emissions by assisting planning partners to apply for and access funding sources and other competitively distributed funds. DVRPC staff coordinate partner strategies, assist with competitive funding applications, and conduct emission reduction calculations. Where practical, DVRPC serves as the applicant for clean air grants from state and federal sources to facilitate regional projects that reduce mobile source emissions.

This program may require the purchase of equipment or services.


Technical Analysis

  1. Identify regionally significant projects in the TIP and Plan that are not exempt from inclusion in the regional air quality analysis to demonstrate transportation conformity.
  2. Review and update procedures for conducting conformity tests, incorporating model enhancements and revisions to the applicable State Implementation Plans, including testing and preparation for the anticipated update to the MOVES 4 emission model.
  3. Prepare input parameters for the regional travel simulation model and for the latest version of the MOVES 4 model approved by US EPA.
  4. Run the travel demand model to determine emissions associated with proposed TIP, Plan, or TIP/Plan amendments.
  5. Ensure that the Conformity Determination meets requirements and deadlines for emerging regulations and updated standards.
  6. Coordinate all activities with the Transportation Conformity Interagency Consultation Group (ICG) and conduct public outreach.
  7. Coordinate CMAQ TPM reports with state DOTs. Submit reports and maintain compliance with CMAQ TPM requirements, including updating the CMAQ Performance Plan.
  8. Review proposed CMAQ and CR projects for cost effectiveness and eligibility and demonstrate the air quality benefits of CMAQ and CR-funded projects using various air quality analysis tools. 
  9. Investigate and document best practices and available models to quantify greenhouse gas reductions and resiliency enhancements from transportation projects.

Public Education and Outreach

  1. Convene regular meetings of the Air Quality Partnership Board and any committees it may create. Include representation throughout the nonattainment area.
  2. Work with state DEPs to promote the Enviroflash air quality alert system to the public and the media in order to extend the reach and maximize its effectiveness of the air quality forecast alert system.
  3. Develop and produce various products required to promote the program and strategies for air pollution avoidance and emissions reduction.
  4. Create and implement effective outreach strategies to educate susceptible populations (Environmental Justice communities, students, and minorities) about protecting public health from air pollution and emissions reductions.

Air Quality Planning Coordination

  1. Provide staff support for the Regional Technical Committee, including the maintenance of records, agendas, meeting summaries, and staff presentations. Participate in meetings and workshops, at the request of US EPA, the state environmental departments, and others, on air quality planning. This will include quarterly meetings of the PA Air Quality Working Group and periodic meetings of the NJ Air Quality Working Group.
  2. Provide literature, data, information and presentations to planning partners and health professionals regarding the relationship between transportation sources and regional air quality.
  3. Publish 10 issues of the ALERT newsletter on air quality activities.
  4. Review conformity demonstrations with transportation and air quality committees and present the results of meetings on the Plan and/or TIPs.
  5. Work with planning partners to identify sources of emissions, particularly where they impact Environmental Justice communities and communities with high incidence of respiratory illness with the goal of recommending mitigation strategies to reduce congestion and emissions in those areas.
  6. Serve on state ICG for project-level conformity hot-spot analysis.
  7.  Assist planning partners to apply for state and federal funding to reduce emissions from transportation sources.


Technical Analysis

  1. Summary report documenting conformity procedures, including MOVES 4 inputs, program modules, and emissions factors that demonstrate that the TIPs and Long-Range Plan are compatible with air quality goals.
  2. Updates to the Conformity webpage.
  3. CMAQ TPM reports and web updates as required.

Air Quality Action

  1. A report on the year’s activity submitted to PA DEP.
  2. Resources for news and editorial outlets for stories on air quality.
  3. Paid advertisements and promotional literature.
  4. Public outreach at community and environmental events.
  5. Educational presentations and materials for use by project partners.

Air Quality Planning Coordination

  1. Action items for the RTC and other committees.
  2. Papers and presentations on transportation and air quality planning.
  3. Ten issues of the Alert newsletter on transportation and air quality items of interest.
  4. Funding applications for projects to reduce transportation related emissions.
  5. Technical reports for planning partners as requested.


State, county, and municipal governments, DOTs, and residents of the region.

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther
Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District