FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-33-050 - Geographic Information Systems

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:Christopher Pollard
Project Manager(s):Glenn McNichol, Mark Gatti, Michael Ruane
Supports LRP Goals:


Improve planning efficiency and support better-informed planning and engineering project decisions in the region by developing, maintaining, and improving access to accurate and current geospatial data.


A Geographic Information System (GIS) is an important planning tool that benefits DVRPC, its member agencies, and others by supporting state, regional, county, and local planning and technical projects. Nearly all projects incorporate GIS technology for data collection, storage, analysis, and presentation.

This ongoing program enables DVRPC to provide GIS services and technical assistance to its planning staff, our member agencies, and other outside parties. It also includes expanding and improving the geospatial database by creating features and attributes from compiled source documents and obtaining data from member governments, operating agencies, and publicly available sources (US Census, NJDEP, PA Spatial Data Access (PASDA), etc.). Enhancements to existing geospatial data will include expanding and refining attributes and improving the positional accuracy of features. DVRPC shares its GIS data with member governments, operating agencies, DOTs, and the public in static and interactive formats. Through our GIS Data Portal, users can view, download, or link to selected data in various GIS or non-GIS formats. We also convey GIS information as interactive maps and applications that allow users to explore these datasets further. Technical advances and methodologies to provide geospatial information in an efficient manner will continuously be reviewed.

This program will be coordinated with other data development efforts ongoing at DVRPC as well as efforts at member governments and agencies in the region and with other federal and state efforts whenever possible. Staff will provide supplemental support on the regional zoning atlas development in coordination with other DVRPC offices.

Completion of this project may require the purchase of equipment or services.


  1. Create new geospatial data from source documents.
  2. Compile and evaluate existing geospatial data from all available sources.
  3. Geo-reference existing features to current aerial imagery.
  4. Develop and maintain metadata that meets current industry standards for all geospatial datasets.
  5. Provide access to geospatial data from DVRPC programs and external sources, including, but not limited to, the state DOT transportation management systems, the U.S. Census, state agencies, operating agencies, and member governments.
  6. Ensure compatibility of geospatial data with related databases.
  7. Provide data files and technical support to planning efforts of DVRPC, state agencies, county planning organizations, operators, and the private sector, as requested.
  8. Coordinate data development with other DVRPC programs and federal, state, and local efforts whenever possible.
  9. Attend training, seminars, and conferences to stay current on industry trends.
  10. Expand geospatial data sharing and distribution using current web technologies.
  11. Support web mapping and data visualization applications for planning project deliverables and DVRPC's outreach goals.
  12. Provide support for the regional land use update.
  13. Produce high-quality cartographic products for DVRPC programs and planning efforts.
  14. Provide geospatial and data management support on developing a regional zoning atlas.


  1. Current, accurate, and comprehensive geospatial database.
  2. Metadata that meets industry standards for all geospatial data.
  3. Geospatial features consistent with current imagery, when applicable.
  4. Enhanced enterprise database that includes geospatial data from DVRPC, member governments and operating agencies, DOTs, and other sources.
  5. New and updated datasets with supporting metadata published to open data portals (Data Center, GIS Data Portal).
  6. Web mapping and data visualization application development and support.
  7. As requested, Geospatial data and records for the regional zoning atlas.


State DOTs, member governments, operating agencies, the public, and DVRPC.

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther
Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District