FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-33-010 - Smart Growth

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:Andrew Svekla
Project Manager(s):Derek Lombardi, Karin Morris
Supports LRP Goals:


This program supports the goals of Connections 2050 by providing technical assistance and facilitating collaboration among agencies in the region involved in creating and maintaining livable communities. The program encourages transit-oriented development, age-friendly communities, zoning reform, urban revitalization, and multimodal transportation.

The Smart Growth program supports PennDOT's Planning Priorities of “Land Use / Transportation Linkages/Economic Development/Modernization,” specifically to “identify livability, sustainability, and resiliency planning strategies to tie the quality and location of transportation facilities and services to broader opportunities such as; access to employment opportunities, affordable housing, quality schools, safe streets, economic development, social equity, and environment conservation,” and to “provide input on any training and planning activities targeted to county and local governments, conservation districts and community stakeholders,” on topics such as smart growth, complete streets, implementation tools, transit-oriented development, and healthy communities.

This program supports NJDOT's planning priorities of promoting interagency cooperation, supporting community livability through integrated transportation and land use planning, maximizing the efficiency of the transportation system, and assisting NJDOT’s Transit Village Initiative and other smart growth strategies.


Staff will conduct planning, outreach, and advocacy activities designed to make cities, towns, and neighborhoods in Greater Philadelphia more economically prosperous, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable. Staff will continue to support regional efforts to integrate land use and transportation planning that results in development within existing neighborhoods, diverse housing and transportation options, and meaningful community engagement.

Housing Policy: Staff will provide support to the Affordable and Accessible Housing project by conducting research and providing technical assistance to local governments seeking to increase the supply and variety of housing types available in their community.

TOD Technical Assistance: Staff will provide technical assistance to transit providers and local governments designed to enhance multimodal access to transit and promote transit-supportive development. This will include working with stakeholders in Pottstown Borough to help evaluate the local opportunities and impacts of restoring rail service between Reading and Philadelphia. This work builds on recent projects such as Building on our Strengths: Evaluating TOD Opportunities in Greater Philadelphia, SEPTA TOD Policy Research, and SEPTA Transit-Oriented Communities station screening.

Completion of tasks in this program area may require the purchase of equipment or services.


  1. Provide technical assistance on smart growth planning topics and livable community initiatives.
  2. Conduct research and share resources designed to support TOD implementation.
  3. Provide support and facilitate community engagement that can be used to inform a vision for transit-supportive development in Pottstown, PA.
  4. Share and inform partners about recent smart growth studies and relevant planning trends through workshops, webinars, and conferences.
  5. Support research and provide technical assistance to local governments seeking to increase the supply and variety of housing types available in their community.


  1. Materials summarizing the planning context, economic conditions, and/or physical characteristics of properties being considered for development near transit infrastructure.
  2. Data analyses and presentations, as requested..
  3. Presentations at local, regional, and/or national meetings and conferences, or as requested.


Member governments, DOTs, transit agencies, private sector, and nonprofits.

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther

FY2025 Other Funding Details:

PennDOT PL FHWA Supplemental

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District