FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-23-080 - Technical Assistance to Member Governments

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:Michael Boyer
Project Manager(s):Renee Wise
Supports LRP Goals:


To ensure intergovernmental coordination on transportation and other planning issues; provide technical assistance and training to increase implementation opportunities; and encourage local and agency actions that help to implement the regional long-range transportation plan’s policies and concepts, as well as federal and state policy and program initiatives.


Ensure intergovernmental coordination, technical evaluation, and regional policy formulation on transportation and other related planning issues, projects, and plans through monthly meetings of the Regional Technical Committee (including meeting minutes and pertinent presentations, research, and technical assistance activities). In addition, flexible, short-term responses to the day-to-day needs of DVRPC’s member governments and operating agencies will be prepared. DVRPC will also respond to specific requests from PennDOT to assist with special smaller scale studies. Assessment and analysis of transportation systems financing options may also be undertaken. Responses to legal inquiries and estimates of the air quality, land use, and transportation effects of proposed transportation improvements may also be prepared.

This program area will also allow DVRPC staff to participate in PennDOT planning and programming efforts such as the Annual Planning Partners meetings, PennDOT Connects initiative, and the annual Unified Planning Priorities Work Group. It will also allow staff to prepare for and participate in the NJDOT/MPO Quarterly Collaboration Meetings, NJDOT Statewide Transportation Innovation Council meetings, NJDOT Complete Team meetings, and NJ Statewide Traffic Incident Management Steering Committee.

With the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), DVRPC staff have been deeply engaged in efforts to leverage competitive funding programs for improvements to our region through consistent internal coordination and coordination with the RTC on IIJA opportunities, maintaining an up-to-date IIJA webpage and communications with partners, and offering consultations on funding opportunities with individual municipalities (with an emphasis on outreach to disadvantaged communities).

PennDOT guidance has required DVRPC to contribute to a statewide effort to develop an inventory of locally owned transportation assets, such as roads and bridges. This specific effort was completed in FY19, however DVRPC is poised to work with PennDOT and the State's Planning Partners to coordinate on the development of other transportation asset data collection efforts as deemed appropriate.


  1. Staff ten Regional Technical Committee meetings, including scheduling Action Items and presentations for monthly agendas, minutes, and similar materials related to the Long-Range Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, the annual Unified Planning Work Program and other transportation and land use issues or projects.
  2. Participate on various planning and transportation committees at the regional, state, or national levels.
  3. Consult with city/county planning directors, engineers, and staff regarding ongoing projects and short-term needs.
  4. Participate on regional or statewide working groups and task forces, as appropriate, to represent DVRPC’s and regional interests.
  5. Conduct short-term research and/or coordination among stakeholders in response to member government requests or as a follow-up to on-going or proposed DVRPC initiatives.
  6. If required, respond to legal inquiries on previously completed studies.
  7. Coordinate with PennDOT, and the PA Planning Partners on the potential development of new data collection efforts for transportation assets, as needed.
  8. Coordinate with the Federal Transit Administration with regard to New Start and Small Start applications proposed by member governments and transit operators.
  9. Continue to monitor US DOT Metropolitan Planning Organization requirements as well as other policy and program initiatives.
  10. Monitor any new requirements arising from the IIJA
  11. Maintain up-to-date information on IIJA opportunities on the webpage, and communicate such opportunities to partners
  12. Offer technical assistance to municipalities, especially disadvantaged communities, on accessing new funding


  1. Meeting agendas, minutes and related materials for the RTC.
  2. Research or meeting highlights from short term issues that arise, as requested by member governments.
  3. Data and other research materials related to the investigation of legal issues involving specific transportation improvement proposals or projects.
  4. Updated webpages for IIJA, and an updated database of IIJA awards in the region.
  5. Potentially, new grant applications afforded by the IIJA.
  6. Potentially, transportation asset data, if requested by PennDOT.


Municipalities, state DOTs, operating agencies, county planning agencies, businesses, and residents.

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther

FY2025 Other Funding Details:

PennDOT PL FHWA Supplemental

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District