FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-23-060 - Web Development and Database Management

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:James Strangfeld
Project Manager(s):Elizabeth He, Kris Warner, Tyler Hachadorian
Supports LRP Goals:


To ensure DVRPC’s website is up-to-date, accessible, and well organized. As the region's MPO, DVRPC, through our website, provides an immense amount of information and offers a wide variety of products, services, and tools.


This program focuses on enhancing DVRPC’s web presence by delivering and updating content on the DVRPC website (http://www.dvrpc.org), ensuring accessibility and responsiveness. Through the DVRPC website, the Commission provides access to data, products, and resources, including planning studies, traffic counts, aerial photography, and demographic forecasts. This program supports the development and maintenance of the systems necessary to provide planners and decision-makers with web access to critical data and resources. Additionally, it involves overseeing web product lifecycles, implementing quality control procedures, and supporting the development of databases to aid in administering Commission activities.


  1. Develop new designs and improvements for all content on DVRPC’s websites using accessible web design practices.
  2. Update website for Long Range Plan; TIP; transportation, land use and environment programs; commuter services; and the planning assistance center.
  3. Create databases for Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), all progress reporting, and other DVRPC datasets.
  4. Create databases for project managers including programs such as TCDI and other direct projects.
  5. Ensure that all content available on DVRPC’s website is available to all end users via an accessible, mobile-friendly version. Accommodate all popular end user screen sizes, hardware, and scripting technologies. Review all public offerings to ensure federal accessibility guidelines are met.
  6. Assist in data management, processing, and storage, such as efficient processing of large datasets, database design, and configuration for production environments.
  7. Staff training in website development and responsive web design software, including Content Management Systems.
  8. Coordinate with GIS and other departments to create custom mapping solutions with functionality beyond the scope of ArcGIS online and other off-the-shelf solutions.
  9. Continuous innovation by modernizing the technology infrastructure, fostering an integrated, efficient environment based on cross-training and teamwork, and developing high-quality custom engineered solutions.
  10. Administer and develop procedures for web product planning, development, review, and launch lifecycles. Implement quality control procedures ensuring high-quality and branded resources for all publically-accessible products and deliverables.
  11. Enable and assist other partners and MPOs with similar web products by hosting code, programming, documentation, procedures, and data schemas in an open source fashion.
  12. Develop automated systems to periodically run administrative tasks, process updated datasets, and/or supercede manual procedures.
  13. Assist in the development of the TIM 3 Activity Based Model maintained by the Office of Travel Trends providing programming and debugging support.


  1. Web applications, interactive GIS mapping applications, and online content for the DVRPC website.
  2. Database of Progress Reports for program areas and project areas.
  3. Project Management Database for TIP, Crash Database, Traffic Count, CMAQ, TCDI, TMA Quarterly Report, License Plate Data and various projects.
  4. Development, management, administration, and training for enterprise Content Management System for website updates.
  5. Custom solutions for staff and program areas to eliminate inefficiencies, automate processes, and increase workplace productivity.
  6. Intranet resources for internal staff, management, and administrative functions, including internal portal, online forms, document libraries, and reference and training materials.
  7. Tracking, review, and administration of web product development pipeline including project management, development process, launch release coordination, and promotion and outreach scheduling.
  8. License plate recognition program to track and identify license plates and vehicles from a video feed. In addition to optical character recognition capabilities for reading license plates, the program will need to be able to identify the issuing state.
  9. Tablet based surveying system for commodity cellular connected tablets. The survey software on the tablets will need to work both offline and online and opportunistically sync with a master server.


State DOTs, member governments, transit operators, municipalities

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther
Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District