FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-23-050 - Data Visualization and Communication

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:Kimberly Dean
Project Manager(s):Angela Rio, Rebecca Maule, Stephanie Cavacini
Supports LRP Goals:


Our goal is to effectively convey information and data to the public and decision-makers, ensuring clarity and utilization. We achieve this by applying graphic and visualization techniques that enhance technical analyses and present DVRPC materials attractively and accessibly.


DVRPC produces a diverse range of materials for various audiences. These include highly technical reports for experts, broader planning studies for community groups and officials, presentations at conferences, meetings, seminars, web applications, and printed materials. We prioritize making all these resources accessible and understandable to the widest possible audience.

By crafting information, data, reports, and presentations that are clear, visually appealing, and easy to comprehend, DVRPC efficiently reaches its target audience. Particularly in planning studies related to roadways, transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, visualization techniques are employed to illustrate recommendations effectively. Specialized project graphics in our reports and presentations help decision-makers, community organizations, and citizens fully grasp concepts and envision on-the-ground changes. This common understanding facilitates progress in the planning process, leading to informed decisions and implementation.

High-profile projects requiring specialized design include the DVRPC Long-Range Plan (LRP) summary document, the annual report, Board retreat materials, Transportation Improvement Projects (TIP) materials, and Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) materials. Various other programs also demand specialized project graphics, such as the Air Quality Partnership (AQP), Regional Streetlight Procurement Program (RSLPP), Climate Action Plan, Regional Vision Zero, Transportation Community Development Initiative (TCDI), Travel Options Program (TOP), Community and Economic Development (CEDS), Public Participation Task Force (PPTF), Delaware Valley Goods Movement Task Force (DVGMTF), Healthy Communities Task Force (HCTF), Regional Safety Task Force (RSTF), Futures Working Group (FWG), and Transportation Operations Task Force (TOTF).


  1. Develop materials for DVRPC programs, events, workshops, public outreach, and project studies.
  2. Collaborate with project managers, web developers, and GIS experts to provide graphic design materials and guidance.
  3. Engage with partners, other MPOs, design and planning consultants, vendors, and board members as needed.
  4. Offer ongoing design and technical assistance to DVRPC staff members.
  5. Create report and PowerPoint templates for staff and provide technical troubleshooting support when required.
  6. Make graphic resources available for staff.
  7. Conduct graphic reviews of DVRPC publications, web products, and graphics displayed on DVRPC's webpages.


  1. Supporting Graphics, including primary project graphics, design guidelines, video products, web/map applications (UI/UX), infographics, monthly electronic newsletters, annual reports, HTML emails, lobby and poster displays in the main foyer, postcards, activity sheets/handouts, workshop materials, charts, Gmail-formatted emails, signage, presentation templates, promotional materials, flyers, and posters.
  2. Publication Guidance (via Share Screen Sessions) & Design, covering reports, brochures, handbooks, report cover and page layout design, high-profile summary documents, and graphic reviews for DVRPC publication products.
  3. Resources for Staff, providing DVRPC logo files and guidelines, a photo library, various report and presentation templates, DVRPC-branded memo and letterhead, and tips and tricks, much more.
  4. Advertisements, encompassing DVRPC ads, public transit advertisements, and animated web banners.
  5. User Interface/User Experience Design, involving design layouts for web pages, interactive web applications, interactive story maps, and monthly e-Newsletter. This also includes Emma emails and graphic review of DVRPC web products.


DVRPC, the region, member governments, planning partners, and the general public.

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther
Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District