FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-23-030 - Public Participation, Involvement and Outreach

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:Alison Hastings
Project Manager(s):Elise Turner, Shoshana Akins
Supports LRP Goals:


To ensure intergovernmental coordination and community support by expanding public information, engagement, and participation activities, particularly by targeting audiences that will influence the implementation of DVRPC goals and programs. Maintain and expand outreach to all stakeholders in the Delaware Valley as per federal mandates.


The Office of Communications and Engagement will maintain and deepen its communications program, emphasizing DVRPC's mission to audiences both familiar and unfamiliar with the planning process; promote the Commission's Long-Range Plan and the implementation of the Plan through public involvement; and foster outreach and collaboration between DVRPC and the region's policymakers, municipal officials, organizations, and citizens. The Office of Communications and Engagement seeks opportunities at which staff can highlight the Commission's work, engage existing stakeholders, and reach new audiences.

DVRPC is a regional convener, and in-person and online meetings are effective venues for public participation, shared learning, and consensus-building. This office regularly explores new ideas for both in-person and virtual meeting facilitation, community engagement, and stakeholder outreach. This office also administers public comment periods, and handles public comments, media requests, and records requests, and coordinates responses with DVRPC staff, Executive Office, legal counsel (if necessary), Board members, and project sponsors.

This office also ensures that Title VI, Environmental Justice (EJ), and other nondiscrimination mandates in public participation are met by conducting outreach to traditionally underserved populations in the region, and by enhancing Limited English Proficiency (LEP) options by providing translations, and making interpretation services available by request. To that end, this office is responsible for maintaining several guidance documents, including the Public Participation Plan, Title VI Compliance Plan, and the Limited-English Proficiency Plan.

DVRPC is committed to Virtual Public Involvement (VPI) to encourage more public engagement in all of its work and activities. DVRPC employs VPI strategies to increase the dissemination of public information and collect feedback from a variety of audiences. The Office of Communications and Engagement leads, advises, and reviews most of the Commission’s VPI initiatives, from the Commission’s robust website to social media channels, and from crowd-sourced web maps to surveys available in multiple languages.

As local, county, state, and federal public health guidance allows, DVRPC plans to hold public meetings in-person, completely online, or in hybrid formats of online and in-person. The hybrid format, while requiring more coordination between professional staff ahead of time, and more audio-visual hardware and software, may overall help the Commission to better utilize its resources and reach more people at a time and location that is convenient for them, such as in their homes, while accommodating people who prefer in-person or do not have access to virtual tools.


  1. Prepare media releases and promote feature articles and op-ed pieces in traditional (i.e., newspapers) and non-traditional (i.e., blogs) media.
  2. Use social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.) to promote DVRPC news and public comment periods, engage partner organizations, and increase awareness of the Commission to the general public.
  3. Prepare and publish Annual Report.
  4. Monitor and report on DVRPC's earned media and social media.
  5. Organize and convene Public Participation Task Force: update member handbook; set agendas; plan and facilitate meetings; manage membership; and provide highlights of meetings.
  6. Administer public comment periods, issue legal notices, and advertise public meetings.
  7. Coordinate special events and conferences that promote DVRPC's mission.
  8. Participate in regional events and conferences in order to reach new stakeholders and members of the public.
  9. Lead communications, stakeholder engagement, and public participation activities for DVRPC's federally mandated programs and projects, including the Long-Range Plan and the TIP; and support and advise staff with communications and outreach for other studies, plans, programs, and events.
  10. Prepare newsletters and special communication pieces on timely issues.
  11. Update and enhance DVRPC's website to optimize use and enable translations, promote specific events and publications, and make public information readily available; utilize and enhance Newsroom.
  12. Coordinate IIJA communications, announcements about funding opportunities, and website updates for member governments and stakeholders.
  13. Assist Executive Office in managing relationships with stakeholders and coordinating strategic communications.
  14. Assist staff with work product creation and distribution, and in particular HTML emails.
  15. Respond to Public Comments, general inquiries from the public, and records requests as needed.
  16. Review and evaluate public participation strategies, as necessary, to ensure effectiveness and outreach to a broad audience. Update public participation documents, such as the Public Participation Plan, as needed, to reflect federal mandates and ongoing work at DVRPC.
  17. Explore digital communications and engagement tools, as necessary.
  18. Engage and maintain relationships with community organizations that directly serve hard-to-reach populations.
  19. Respond to presentation and media requests.
  20. Respond to requests for translations, interpretation, and auxiliary services.
  21. Plan and execute the annual Board Retreat.
  22. Document and evaluate DVRPC's use of public participation strategies on an ongoing basis.
  23. Maintain several guidance documents, such as the Public Participation Plan, that inform DVRPC's practices.


  1. Media releases.
  2. DVRPC website, including redesigned Newsroom.
  3. DVRPC monthly newsletters.
  4. Annual Report.
  5. Public Participation Task Force: handbook, orientation program, presentations, notices, agendas, and highlights.
  6. Public Comment Periods, including Legal Notices.
  7. Public Comments on Board Action Items packet.
  8. Communications (email blasts, social media, notices, brochures, select reports) to promote initiatives, completed projects, and public participation opportunities.
  9. Translated materials, as needed.
  10. Materials to be used and distributed at high profile events, including annual Board Retreat and conferences.


Member governments, planning partners, the general public, and the private sector.

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther
Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District