FY2025 Work Program

PROJECT: 25-23-020 - Work Program Administration

Responsible Agency:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Program Coordinator:Gregory Krykewycz
Project Manager(s):Alison Hastings, Ariella Maron, Karin Morris, Michael Boyer, Najah Jackson
Supports LRP Goals:


To ensure intergovernmental coordination by preparing the annual Unified Planning Work Program and monthly progress reports


Federal regulations, as stipulated in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), require MPOs to document metropolitan transportation planning activities performed with federal transportation funds in a unified planning work program (UPWP). The UPWP must be developed at least on a biennial basis. DVRPC chooses to prepare an annual UPWP. Each MPO, in cooperation with the State(s), public transportation operator(s), and member government partners shall develop a UPWP that includes a discussion of the planning priorities facing the Metropolitan Planning Area. The UPWP shall identify work proposed by major activity and task (including activities that address the ten planning factors in sufficient detail to indicate who (e.g., MPO, State, public transportation operator, local government, or consultant) will perform the work, the schedule for completing the work, the resulting products, and a summary of the total amounts and sources of Federal and matching funds.

Preparation of the UPWP includes DVRPC staff undertaking significant outreach to member governments, public transit operators, and other stakeholders to gather input on the region’s planning priorities. DVRPC staff then works with stakeholders to refine existing and develop new scopes of work for the selected planning projects that will be conducted in the next fiscal year. Subsequently, staff works to identify and secure the required funding to support DVRPC and member government staff to undertake the regional planning process.


  1. Schedule and conduct outreach to member governments, public transit operators, and other stakeholders
  2. Solicit project ideas and requests from member governments, public transit operators and other stakeholders for the new work program (FY26).
  3. Meet with the Board Work Program Committee to prioritize and select projects to include in the next year's work program - FY2026 UPWP
  4. Coordinate the development of the Transit Support Program and Supportive Regional Highway Planning Program (Pass-Through projects) for inclusion into the FY26 UPWP
  5. Prepare the draft FY26 Unified Planning Work Program and project budgets based on guidance provided by the Board's Work Program Committee.
  6. Release the Draft document for public and agency review and comment
  7. Incorporate all appropriate comments into the final FY2026 UPWP document and present to the DVRPC Board for adoption.
  8. Negotiate with federal, state, and local governments to secure funding to carry out the planning programs.
  9. Conduct project review and spending meetings for the current year's work program (FY2025 UPWP). Monitor on a regular basis the implementation of the planning programs.
  10. Prepare monthly and semi-annual progress reports and year-end closing report for the FY25 UPWP.


  1. FY26 Unified Planning Work Program
  2. Monthly and semi-annual progress reports for FY25 UPWP
  3. Year-end closing report


Member Governments, operating agencies, state and federal agencies and planning partners.

Project Cost and Funding:

FYTotalHighway PL ProgramTransit PL ProgramComprehensive PlanningOther

FY2025 Other Funding Details:

PennDOT PL FHWA Supplemental

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District