DVRPC, in partnership with PennDOT District 6, has developed the web-based IDRuM application that organizes all existing PennDOT Emergency Detour Routes within the DVRPC region. IDRuM compiles the PDF detour maps into a simple "point-and-click" online application which allows the PDF detour maps to be downloaded to be viewed, saved, and/or printed. All detour routes are PennDOT District 6 approved for both passenger vehicles and heavy trucks. The detour route PDFs can be used by first responders, planners, and/or anyone who is in need of DOT approved detour route plans.
The IDRuM platform has been completely redesigned into a new manageable, easy-to-use online, GIS based interface.
New Jersey Diversion Routes
To access all diversion routes within the state of New Jersey, please visit the NJ Traffic Incident Management website, and click on the NJ Interactive Diversion Route Portal.