May 24, 2024
People can submit comments online, through the mail, or by attending a public meeting. DVRPC must receive comments for the Draft TIP and Draft Amendment documents by 5:00 pm local time on June 24, 2024
On Thursday, May 23, 2024, DVRPC opened a 30+ day public comment period on the Draft Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania and Connections 2050: Draft Amendment 3. DVRPC will accept comments on these two draft documents from May 23, 2024, until June 24, 2024, at 5:00 pm local time. The Draft Conformity Determination: Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan: Amendments 3 and Draft FY2025 TIP for Pennsylvania will be released for public comment on June 4, 2024, until July 8, 2024, at 5:00 pm local time.
The Draft DVRPC FY2025 TIP for Pennsylvania contains 351 projects, including the Interstate Management Program (IMP), totalling over $8.1 billion for the phases to be advanced over the next four years, an average of close to $2.03 billion per year. Programmed funds include $2.6 billion for multimodal projects primarily addressing the non-Interstate Highway System and over $1.2 billion for projects addressing the IMP, resulting in a four-year total for FHWA-funded projects of more than $3.9 billion. Additionally, the FTA-funded projects for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), Pottstown Area Rapid Transit (PART), and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Public Transit (PennDOT BPT) totals over $4.2 billion.
Highlighted projects include:
- SEPTA: SEPTA Bus Purchase Program - MPMS #90152 allocates approximately $1 billion to provide for the acquisition of different size buses based upon needs and route characteristics. SEPTA is planning for a full transition to zero-emission buses (ZEBs) by the year 2040. This bus procurement will allow SEPTA to retire the last of the all-diesel fleet which is now more than 15 years old (purchased in 2005).
- Bucks County: Hulmeville Road / Brown Avenue Intersection Improvements - MPMS #81295 is a $2.1 million project that will provide funding to design and construct Northbound and Southbound turn lanes and install new signal equipment at the intersection of Hulmeville Road and Brown Avenue in Bensalem Township.
- Chester County: Two new projects to construct the Chester Valley Trail Extension to Downingtown, the Chester Valley Trail: Whitford Road - Old Trolley Road (MPMS #81744) project, and the Chester Valley Trail: Ship Road - Gallagherville Road (MPMS #81789) project, will use Carbon Reduction funding from the IIJA to develop a multi-use trail along the alignment of the former Philadelphia and Thorndale Branch. The project will include renovation of the Whitford Bridge and Downingtown Trestle for bicycle and pedestrian use. The Chester Valley Trail is part of the Circuit Trails network and this segment will serve as an important local and regional transportation resource.
- Delaware County: PA 291 Complete Streets: Irving Street to to Ridley Creek (MPMS #82069) is a new project with the goal of improving safety for all roadway users, including motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders. This will include reconstructing the roadway into a more appropriate facility for Chester City while constructing a multi-use sidepath that will be designated as part of the East Coast Greenway. The current roadway cross-section is a wide and straight facility that results in excessive vehicular speeds with a high number of crashes causing a dangerous environment for residents.
- Montgomery County: Cross-County Trail: WissahickonTrail to SEPTA's Fort Washington Station - MPMS #82083 is a $9.3 million project in Whitemarsh Township that will develop a multi-use trail from the existing Wissahickon Trail in Fort Washington State Park to the existing Cross County Trail near SEPTA’s Fort Washington Station.
- Philadelphia County: 25th Street: Washington Avenue to Passyunk Avenue - MPMS #81219 allocates $18 million to restore 25th Street under the railroad viaduct and provide street lighting, intersection improvements, and bicycle infrastructure improvements, to improve roadway conditions and safety.
People can submit comments online, through the mail, or by attending a public meeting. Learn more by viewing the Public Notice.
DVRPC must receive comments for the Draft TIP and Draft Amendment documents by 5:00 pm local time on June 24, 2024, and comments on the Draft Conformity Determination by 5:00 pm local time on July 8, 2024. Comments received via mail must be postmarked by June 24, 2024, for the PA TIP and LRP, and July 8, 2024, for Conformity. Responses will not be provided unless comments are submitted in writing during the public comment period.
If you want to learn more about the Transportation Improvement Program, or “TIP,” check out the informational articles: What is the TIP?, How Does a Project Get on the TIP?, and How is the TIP Funded?