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Comparing Regional Economies: Workforce Automation and Telework

Digitally enabled telework and automation have significant implications for the future of the workforce, and the region's economy. Since telework capacity and automation risk differ from one industry to the next, it is important to understand the composition of Greater Philadelphia's industry mix in order to anticipate the future impacts of these forces.

Identifying High-Performance Industries

In the bubble chart below, toggle between peer regions to understand how Greater Philadelphia’s industry mix, in terms of total employment within each industry, differs from one region to the next. This chart can be used to determine which industries are of particular importance to the overall health of the regional economy, and considered to be a High-Performance Industry (HPI, those industries with a location quotient of 1.25 or higher) for that region.

Greater Philadelphia


Greater Philadelphia

Peer Region

Bubble size is based on total employment

Sources: National Center for O*NET Development. Work Context — Degree of Automation. O*NET OnLine. 2020. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Business Response Survey. 2022; US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational and Employment Wage Statistics. 2022; and US Census Bureau. North American Industry Classification System. 2022.

Planning for Automation Risk and Telework Capacity

Regions reliant on HPIs with higher telework capacity may need to adopt policies aimed at talent retention and quality of life improvements to offset the potentially negative impacts of remote work. Conversely, regions where automation risk is higher among HPIs may face increased challenges related to the reskilling and upskilling of a displaced workforce.

Use the drop-down button to toggle between the bar charts below and to compare Greater Philadelphia’s economy, in terms of employment, automation risk, and telework capacity within each HPI, to that of the nine peer regions.

Greater Philadelphia


of regional employment is in 5 HPIs.

Share of Regional Employment by HPI


Educational Services


Management of Companies and Enterprises


Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation


Health Care and Social Assistance


Finance and Insurance



of regional employment is in 5 HPIs.

Share of Regional Employment by HPI


Management of Companies and Enterprises


Transportation and Warehousing




Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services


Real Estate and Rental and Leasing

HPI Employment Share of Total Employment

Sources: US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational and Employment Wage Statistics. 2022; and US Census Bureau. North American Industry Classification System. 2022.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District