Whether you drive, walk, bike, or take the train, we all rely on our region's transportation network to get around Greater Philadelphia. We're at a crossroads though. Our region is growing. Its transportation infrastructure is aging. And currently there's a funding gap that will only hold us back. We need to work together to keep Greater Philadelphia moving forward.
You can help. We've developed a fact sheet, and an on-line game called Choices & Voices that we'd like you to share with your friends, your family, your colleagues…everyone you know. It outlines our region's challenges and opportunities, and it invites everyone to play a part in planning our region's future.
Simply click on the share button. Read the email. Import your addresses and hit send. It's simple. But it's critical as we work to ensure Greater Philadelphia continues to live up to its full potential.
Check back frequently. We will be exploring different challenges and options to modernize and improve our transportation system.