Based on James Smart's Philadelphia Neighborhoods maps (June, 1988), these data layers comprise the "widely known neighborhoods" and "lesser known neighborhoods" whose names "may be used in copy without further explanation, on the presumption that most Philadelphia residents are familiar with their location."
It is important to note that the areas contained in these layers were not drawn from a base map, rather from street borders. Some of these "lesser known neighborhoods" have been excluded, simply because the borders were too vague to draw (e.g. "THE NECK - Once the entire lower part of South Philadelphia, later the lower east side of South Philadelphia, particularly around Second Street. Old-timers still use the name.")
This web mapping application was built by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Please contact Chris Pollard, Manager, Office of GIS for further information:
Data layers last updated: August 2011
Map Navigation:
Click-and-drag on the map to pan, or use your mouse wheel to zoom in/out.You may also use the slider bar and arrow controls to zoom in/out of the map.
Double-clicking on an area will also zoom in. If you hold down the Shift Key and drag a box on the map, it will zoom into the area drawn.
Click Zoom to extent button
to zoom to the initial map extent.
To view Google Street View drag
from the left hand side onto the map. Any street highlighted blue has an available street level view.
This web page is a public resource of general information. The Delaware Valley Regional Commission (DVRPC) makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any of the spatial data or database information provided herein. DVRPC and partner state, local, and other agencies shall assume no liability for errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided regardless of how caused; or any decision made or action taken or not taken by any person relying on any information or data furnished within.