Roadway System Preservation projects maintain existing roadway pavement and bridge infrastructure. Needs estimates were developed using the federally required Pavement Management System and Bridge Management System databases, which track the condition of each roadway lane mile and bridge, and include needs estimates for county and local roadways and bridges that are eligible for federal aid.
Projects in this category are included in the fiscally constrained financial plan.
Projects in this category are not able to be included in the fiscally constrained financial plan, but are considered critical to achieving the Plan’s vision.
Roadway Operational Improvements projects use physical changes or technology to improve the efficiency of existing facilities that are part of the NHS; have more than 25,000 vehicles per day; have more than 25,000 square feet of bridge deck area; cover more than 20 lane miles; or cost more than $10 million. Physical improvements include intersection/interchange reconstruction, new turn lanes, and roadway realignment, to improve the functionality and safety of the roadway network. Technological improvements include the use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), incident management programs, or traffic signal upgrades.
Projects in this category are included in the fiscally constrained financial plan.
Projects in this category are not able to be included in the fiscally constrained financial plan, but are considered critical to achieving the Plan’s vision.
Roadway System Expansion projects add capacity to the roadway network by widening, extending, or building new limited-access freeways of any length; creating a new interchange or adding missing movements between freeways and arterials; or widening, extending, or building new principal arterials for more than three lane miles. The need for major regional projects was based on the projects included in the Connections 2040 Plan, a review of recent transportation and corridor studies, and a call for projects from planning partners. All roadway system expansion projects are required to be consistent with the region’s Congestion Management Process (CMP) and are evaluated to be consistent with land use, environmental, economic development, and transportation goals.
Projects in this category are included in the fiscally constrained financial plan.
Projects in this category are not able to be included in the fiscally constrained financial plan, but are considered critical to achieving the Plan's vision.
Identified projects reflect the region's desire to be more bike and pedestrian friendly. On-road needs are based on current funding levels in the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Transportation Improvement Programs, as well as additional targeted funding levels to increase the region's investment in such facilities. Off-road needs are based on completing the Circuit, a 775-mile regional trail network. About 320 miles of this system are complete, and about 65 miles are anticipated to be constructed over the next five years. Specific links of the Circuit will be funded through future iterations of the TIP.