Vibrant Ports - Healthy Ports
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
DVRPC Offices
Philadelphia, PA 19106
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Vibrant Ports - Healthy Ports is a workshop to explore the economic, environmental, and social interactions of ports and their host communities.
- Welcome (9:00-9:20)
Opening remarks, introductions of participants, and statement of workshop purpose.
Barry Seymour, Executive Director, DVRPC; Cosmo Servidio, Regional Administrator, EPA Region III - Keynote (9:20-9:50)
“How and Why: The Present and Future of Port Sustainability Programs;” [2.0 MB pdf]
Susan Monteverde, VP Government Affairs, American Association of Port Authorities - Relationships with neighboring communities (9:50-10:50)
This session will focus on port operators’ relationships with surrounding communities. Focus will be on positive interactions from ports that engage their surrounding communities (i.e., freight as a good neighbor practices).
Maryland Diesel Roundtable and Public Outreach at the Port of Baltimore; [2.9 MB pdf]
Chandra Chithaluru, Air Quality and Policy and Program Manager, Maryland Port AdministrationCamden Community Initiative and SJPC Relationship with Waterfront South; [4.9 MB pdf]
Kevin Castagnola, CEO and Executive Director, South Jersey Port Corporation - Break (10:50-11:00)
- State of the Industry (11:00-11:50)
Presentations will highlight sustainability best practices at Mid-Atlantic ports.
Initiatives at the Port of Philadelphia; [1.9 MB pdf]
Jim Walsh, Director of Operations, PhilaPortEmissions Inventories – Why they are important, what are the benefits?; [1.9 MB pdf]
Guisselle Aldrete, Air Quality Consultant, Starcrest Consulting Group LLC - Lunch (11:50-12:30)
- Tools for Improving Environmental and Economic Performance (12:30-1:35)
This session will discuss the tools and strategies to improve environmental performance and economic prosperity.
Strategies and Tools for Promoting Economic and Environmental Sustainability at Ports; [2.7 MB pdf]
EPA Ports Initiative, Sarah Froman and Rob Schweinfurth, EPA Office of Transportation and Air QualityEmissions Savings from Truck Reservations at GCT Bayonne Container Terminal, Port of New York and New Jersey; [1.4 MB pdf]
Dan Mulligan, GCT USAEconomic and Environmental Benefits of Equipment Electrification; [5.8 MB pdf]
Danielle Bower, Sustainability Program Manager, Philadelphia International Airport - Funding (1:35-2:45)
Presentations will outline funding mechanisms for infrastructure and environmental improvements, what sources of funding are appropriate for specific project types, and how to make the case for your project.
Future Trends in Port Operations and Funding Projects to Accommodate Growth; [3.5 MB pdf]
Amanda Rutherford, Mid-Atlantic Gateway Director, MARADTransportation Funding Sources, FAST ACT, TIP, CMAQ, and MPO funding; [3.8 MB pdf]
Elizabeth Schoonmaker, Associate Director of Transportation, DVRPCDiesel Emission Reduction Act, Community Environmental Grants, VW, EPA Ports Initiative; [1.5 MB pdf]
Alison Riley, Diesel Program Manager, EPA Region III - Break (2:45-3:00)
- Emerging Issues (3:00-3:30)
The final session will focus on climate change, infrastructure resiliency, and protecting assets.
Climate Resiliency Efforts at East Coast ports; [1.8 MB pdf]
Anne Choate, Senior Vice President, ICF International - Next Steps/Closing (3:30-4:00)
Opportunities for questions and discussion.
Workshops participants will hand in cards to identify their top priorities for DVRPC’s future planning activities to promote sustainable port activities.