What is a Road Safety Audit?
A proven safety countermeasure, road safety audits (RSA) are a tool championed by the Federal Highway Administration to improve safety on state and local roads. Road safety audits are unique from more typical safety reviews because they approach the audit with a multidisciplinary team and look beyond motorized road users to consider all road users as well as human factors that may contribute to unsafe road conditions. DVRPC has been performing road safety audits in the Greater Philadelphia region since 2007.
Harrison Ave Road Safety Audit
DVRPC is performing a road safety audit on Harrison Ave and State St in Camden, NJ as part of the FY2021 Work Program. The purpose of the audit is to identify safety concerns and potential improvements with a focus on pedestrian and bicyclist access to the new Cramer Hill Waterfront Park at the corner of Harrison Ave and State St. The audit follows the work of the Urban Land Institute’s 10 Minute Walk study of the area surrounding the new park.