Greater Philadelphia is home to hundreds of miles of interconnected multi-use trails. The region also has many opportunities to expand the trail network using existing greenway corridors and disused railroad right-of-ways. DVRPC administers funding programs and offers resource guides for the planning, design, and construction of multi-use trails in Greater Philadelphia.
Regional Trails Program
DVRPC’s Regional Trails Program provides planning assistance and financial support to trail developers, counties, municipalities, and nonprofit organizations to complete the Circuit Trails, Greater Philadelphia’s network of more than 800 miles of multi-use trails. As of November 2024, the Circuit comprises 415 miles of completed trail. The Circuit Trails seek to build better access to the region’s rivers, creeks, and streams, and to serve as a network of “bicycling highways” that will allow safe and efficient travel by bicycle.
Trenton Trails Plan
In September 2024, DVRPC published the Trenton Trails Plan, detailing existing trails in Trenton and those under active development. The plan lists potential connectors to create a unified trail network with neighborhood links, developed alongside community stakeholders and agency representatives. It also includes case studies on best practices for wayfinding, signage, and coordination among agencies responsible for trail development and maintenance.
E-Micromobility Summit
In February 2024, DVRPC convened a regional meeting to discuss the emergence of e-micromobility devices, such as electric bicycles and electric scooters, and their impact on the design, safety, equity, accessibility, and connectivity of our region’s on- and off-road bicycle and pedestrian network. The summit featured regional and national experts, including an opening presentation and panel discussion.
E-Micromobility Summit Recording
Greater Pottstown Trail Network
Between 2015 and 2017, DVRPC partnered with the Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee to plan trails in the greater Pottstown region. DVRPC prepared a feasibility study focusing on four trail routes, which will include off-road trails and on-road bicycle facilities. These trails and bikeways will enable people to travel through the Pottstown area to reach important commercial, institutional, and recreational destinations and to connect to the Circuit Trails. Several anchor trails have been constructed in local parks and several additional connectors are being implemented by local partners.
Trail Maps
Resource Guides
Funding Trails in New Jersey - A Guide to Funding Multi-Use Trails - Securing funding for multi-use trail planning, design, and construction projects is an essential step in the trail development process. There are multiple sources of funding, each with its own requirements, categories of eligible projects, and cycles of funding availability. This guide describes funding available to trail projects in New Jersey.