Air Quality
One day
increase in five-year average of violating days
Bridge Conditions
62% drop
in deficient bridge deck area
Business Formations
95% growth
in annual applications
Community Integration
40 to 51%
of residents not living in racially, ethnically, or economically diverse communities
Commute Mode
11.2% fewer
residents drive alone to work
4.3% less
reliability on region's highways
Educational Attainment
10% rise
in population over 25 with high school diploma
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
21% reduction
in greenhouse gas emissions
Gross Domestic Product
3.1% gain
in economic growth
Housing Affordability
9% fewer
cost burdened households since 2011
Housing Permits
1.42 times more
permits in appropriate development areas
20-35% remaining
income gaps between groups
Job Growth
25% increase
in jobs
Labor Force
5-6% drop
in participation rate gaps from base years
Land Consumption
62% drop
in land consumption rate
Miles Driven
0.5% decrease
in daily miles driven per person
Mortgage Lending
8-10% drop
in loan approval rate gaps
Pavement Conditions
0.7% fewer
road segment miles in poor condition
Population Growth
6.5% increase
in population
Transit Conditions
20.6% increase
of revenue service vehicles are past their useful life
Transit Ridership
37% decrease
in transit trips per person
Transportation Safety
60.5% increase
in fatalities and severe injuries
Water Quality
8.7% decrease
in water supporting aquatic life