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90512 | SEPTA Bus Purchase Program (SEPTA)

SEPTA’s Bus Fleet Management Plan provides for the acquisition of different size buses based upon needs and route characteristics. The current bus fleet consists of a variety of buses. SEPTA is planning for a full transition to zero-emission buses (ZEBs) by the year 2040. The Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Master Plan will lay the groundwork for the bus fleet of the future. SEPTA has completed the first phase of analysis that examines the feasibility of procuring battery electric buses (BEBs) and installing charging infrastructure to support the fleet. The next phase of the plan will evaluate fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs) and the necessary fueling infrastructure to support them. To ensure the safety and continuity of bus operations while the ZEB Master Plan and transition plan is finalized, the Authority contracted with New Flyer to purchase 220 hybrid buses with an option on the third year to allow flexibility to transition to a zero-emission bus procurement sooner if technology is available. This bus procurement will allow SEPTA to retire the last of the all-diesel fleet which is now more than 15 years old (purchased in 2005). Future bus purchases will be guided by the ZEB Master Plan.
Funding for this program is also provided from MPMS #65109, FHWA Transit Flex to SEPTA. State funds programmed in MPMS #90512 each year will be applied as a state match for the flex funds programmed in MPMS# 65109.

Limits: System-wide
Air Quality Code: M10

FY2023 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$221,721$108,715$0$39,115 
Total FY23-FY26 Cost:$369,551Total FY23-FY34 Cost:$1,131,314 
All costs in thousands.

No milestones are available for this project.