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79830 | North Delaware Riverfront Greenway Project, Sec 1 (TAP) (Philadelphia City)

The project is a 12' wide multi-use trail extending the completed K&T Trail Phase 1 (MPMS 61712) at Magee Avenue and continuing along the Delaware River to the Tacony Boat Launch at Princeton Avenue.
In the fall of 2015, PennDOT held a competitive round for statewide TAP funding. This project was one of 13 projects across the DVRPC region that was awarded funding in January 2017 through the statewide TAP program (MPMS #60560), receiving $1,000,000 out of the $9.4 million awarded to the region.
PA ID: PA242, PA251, PA262, PA615.

Limits: City of Philadelphia
Air Quality Code: A2

FY2023 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$500$500$0$0 
Total FY23-FY26 Cost:$1,000Total FY23-FY34 Cost:$1,000 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
CONPhase Approved by PMC
CONFinal Utility Clearance
CONFinal ROW Clearance
CON4232 Approved by FHWA
CONAward Contract2022-06-12
CONPhase on Approved STIP
CONStart of Phase2022-10-31
CONNotice to Proceed2022-08-08
CONCompletion of Phase2024-02-12
CONPhysical Work Complete2024-08-06
CONProject Agreement End Date2026-02-04